Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Halloween Tale

"Unless there is a fever, you can send him to day care. Please take care of yourselves."

Those were the last words from the doctor yesterday. Since Bailey's fever had come and gone and Sophie's had broken late yesterday and I never had one to begin with, we headed over to the day care for a little Halloween fun.

There was game playing and jack-o-lantern making, song singing and trick-or-treating. The kids were adorable. The teachers were friendly. I had a good time. It was a nice once in a while kinda thing to do. Let me say that again- ONCE IN A WHILE.

I had a sneaking suspisicion that he would be there, but I decided just to focus on the kids and forget about everybody else in the room. I avoided him afterwards, throwing my things carelessly into a bag and running across the street to pick up Sophie.

I thought I had made it. I was wrong.

He was waiting at the entrance of our building.

No introductions, just out with it. "Teach for our school. Even if it is only thirty minutes, once a week."

I mumbled something about needing to talk it over with my husband and left him standing there. (Thanks Sophie for picking that exact moment to start crying!)

I love working with the kids. I get along with the teachers. But. . . . . but, there is just something about the way the head of the school approached me that casted a dark shadow over the whole thing. First impressions are hard to shake.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hot, Red And Itchy (Updated)

I am itchy from head to toe.

Bailey has little red bumps all over his legs and butt. The school just called and said they now cover his face and arms.

Sophie has a fever.

Put us all together and I think we equal chicken pox. Off to the doctor to find out.

It turns out we only have a case of foot-hand-and-mouth disease. Tylenol for the fevers, some cream for the itchiness and avoiding spicy and acidic foods as well as lots of rest and liquids and we should be as good as new by the weekend.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Dance A Little Dance

I know it has been over a month since the Sports Festival, but it took me that lomg to get it uploaded. (Just kidding! It only took an hour.)

Random Shots

Waiting on the train home. It was a nice warm day and after playing in the ball pool, having lunch and a little nap, Sophie was feeling fine.
Watching the trains go by and waiting for ours. Nothing beats free entertainment.

Yesterday we went to an indoor play place to play with the cousins. This is what Bailey did to amuse himself while we waited for everyone to come.

Yes, I know it is a bad picture of a picture, but just look at it. It is a beauty, my dream Christmas cake. Hubs says it looks like a wedding cake. I say it looks like the best-darn-combination-of-cream-shortcake-and -strawberries-this-girl-has-ever-seen. Plus, Bailey usually doesn't eat the cake, just the strawberries and oh boy, does this have lots of strawberries!! Alas, at about 8000 yen (about $80), I don't think she will be making her appearance on our Christmas table, but one can dream.....

When you've got all those toys, you can't help but smile!

Just a little Halloween somethin' somethin' I did to spruce up the entrance to our home. Hubs is always saying that the entrance gives people their first impression of our home and if that is true, then I would hate to think what the impression was before this picture. Old mail, a few discarded socks, Bailey's school bag, a blanket for Sophie, the rain cover for the stroller and a box of tissues used to litter this space. i think I like the flowers and gourds better!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cause I Am Really That Excited!!!!!!!

Pay no attention to the girl behind the camera. Just look at that hair. Don't it beat all?!?!?

Putting The Beauty Back In Beautiful

I was suspicious at first. The tinkling of the bell as I pushed the door open sounded more like a warning bell than a welcome bell.

There they were all gathered around the corner playing cards and drinking coffee. They all turned and starred at me.

The older woman, who will from now on be known as LH because originally enough she had long hair, stepped forward.

"I would like a cut and color," I said, hearing her sigh of relief that I could speak Japanese.

Mr. Cap Man, so called because he was wearing a baseball cap and the mister because he owned the salon, ran to find his color chart and style book. The consultation began. I relaxed. He relaxed. Things only got better from there.

The color came first. Then ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!!! The shampoo. I have always loved to have my hair washed but this little shampoo girl, to be known as LSG (not to be confused with LSD), was superb! Maybe it was because I was their only customer or maybe it was because I charmed them with all my witty tales of an American's life in Japan, but goodness gracious! Then the warm towel on the back of my neck while we waited for the conditioner to work it's magic- one more minute and I would have been asleep.

Then came the cut. I swallowed a hair or two while laughing so hard at Mr. Cap Man, but it was so worth it. I am telling you!!

Another shampoo after the cut followed by a shoulder and neck massage and I was thinking about coming back everyday and then, AND THEN, the icing on the cake- he did my hair proud and even gave me some styling tips.

LSG gave me a magazine to look at while Mr. Cap Man took a phone call and LH gave me a glass of ice tea. Great day in the morning (and that is not a phase I take lightly, no siree bob!) they had won me over.

A little wax for my hair and some candy for the kids and I was on my way. Feeling relaxed. Feeling beautiful.

In all my years here, I have never had a regular salon that I go to get my hair cut. My reasoning being that I didn't want to get stuck in a rut. A different salon, a different stylist meant a different cut, a different swoosh of the bangs. Today, however, I realized that the real reason was I hadn't found that hair magic yet. I have found it and I am not letting it go.

I will be back Mr. Cap Man, LH and LSG- don't you worry!

Spunky Brewster

Seems like it will be another twelve hours before I see Hubs again. Sigh! But, at least........
*Both of the kids are at daycare today and I have some free time all to myself.
*The house is pretty clean, although I could clean the computer room up some....if I wanted to
*Coffee, donuts and a book I have been wanting to read are all calling my name

So, I am off to read, do a little Christmas/ Birthday shopping and re-charge before it is time to pick up the kids.

See you later alligator! (Cause that is just how spunky I am feeling right now!)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Short Attention Span

In twelve hours, I keep telling myself. In twelve hours, Hubs will, at least, be in the same country as I am, if not in the same room. The minutes drip drop by. Nothing can keep my attention for long. The book I am reading only holds my attention for two pages. The shows on television all seem to be about lovers and my mind wanders back......

For a big part of our courtship (how Victorian is that of me?) we lived in different cities- an hour away by airplane or about three hours away by bullet train. Phone calls were weekly, but visits were monthly at best.

Each time, the night before he was due to arrive would be just like tonight. Checking the clock every few minutes, trying to pass the time with books, TV, puzzles, cleaning, anything. When it was late enough I would go to bed. It would take me a while to fall asleep and when I finally did my sleep was short and jagged, marked by a hundred or more checkings of the clock.

I didn't want to oversleep. Didn't want to be late to pick him up at the train station. Didn't want to waste one precious minute of the time we had together.

It is nights like tonight when I fall in love all over again. Nights like tonight when I feel the strength of our love. Nights like tonight when I feel the power of love.

Oh My, The Excitement!!

In the last few days, I have rediscovered the good stuff in life. Cases in point:

*My good friend, Courtney will be coming to visit soon. I am so excited! Three years, four years- whichever it has been too long!!

*Another good friend, Abe and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world on October 20. Congratulations!!

*Unexpectedly wonderful- Hubs will be home from Malaysia tomorrow morning and might be able to take the day off from work. Keep your fingers crossed!!

*I think I have everything under control for the Halloween party at Bailey's school. I am actually really looking forward to it!!

*Sophie can now give "high fives" and kisses. I will have to wait until Hubs gets home to capture it on video.

*Something new is coming to this space soon. Stay tuned......

Monday, October 23, 2006

Jack In The Box

Footsteps. Three forward, two back. Braver this time and it is seven forward and none back. Wondering what to do next, thinking he has almost made it back to the land of television, ice cream and other late night fun. Mustering all his courage into a single word, "Mommy."

I wait. Two can play this game.

Maybe she didn't hear me, he thinks and repeats, "Mommy."

I push my chair back from the computer desk.

He runs back into his room.

The third time he ventures out, I wait until he comes to me.

"Mommy, I need water," he says peeking his head around the corner.

A few sips and he is back in bed..... for two minutes.

Tiny feet, gently tap against the hardwood floor. "Mommy, I can't find Cheese (his favorite stuffed dog)."

We find it together and I tuck him in one last time, I hope.


Build a block tower. Knock it down. Build it again. Knock it back down.

"Look Mommy," Bailey said waiting for me to look up from changing Sophie's diaper, "I am knocking blocks off!"

Starting a little young, aren't we?


Guzzling a glass of milk at dinner.

A burp escapes through milk mustached lips.

"Bailey, say excuse me."

"Accuse me, Mommy!"


Toweling off after my shower, I feel somebody looking at me.

"Here," Bailey says handing me a t-shirt, "I like you better with clothes on."

Bailey's Pictures

Bailey's idea of smiling for the camera.
In this picture, I think Sophie looks so much like my mom. This picture was actually taken by Bailey!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Title Would Just Distract From The Content

Hubs is gone. He left this morning for Malaysia and will be gone until Thursday. It seems like a lifetime away. Bailey keeps crying for his daddy and Sophie has the teething grumps. Wish that I could just close my eyes and sleep until he is home again.


As I watch my own little one, wiggle her away across the floor, I can't help but think about one of my good friends from college and his wife. Their little one was due on October 10 and last I heard she was going to be induced. Can't wait to hear the good news, especially since they waited to find out if they were having a boy or a girl.


I have hair like this.

I want hair like this.

I have an appointment on Wednesday. We will see what happens.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Before And After

Before: Happily chewing on Wan Wan's hand.

After: Realizing her picture is being taken

Before: Hard at work on another play-do creation.

After: Bored already?!?!?!

A-Z Holiday Wish List

As the holidays approach, I miss back home more than I usually do. Nothing eases that homesick feeling better than humor, so here is my A-Z holiday wish list.

A is for applesauce
B is for baking cookies
C is for carving pumpkins
D is for driving around to look at Christmas lights (No Little Vegas here in Japan)
E is for evergreens (I miss having a real, live Christmas tree)
F is for family, friends and food
G is for getting up early Christmas morning (I still can't let anybody sleep in)
H is for homemade rolls
I is for icicles (I miss the snow!)
J is for jingle bells
K is for Kandy Kanes (I know, the spelling, the spelling!!)
L is for lumpy mashed potatoes (What? I like the lump!)
M is for Magic Of Christmas (I remember it playing on the radio)
N is for nutty fudge (Nobody makes it like Mom)
O is for ornaments (like that clothes pin reindeer one of us made)
P is for pretty wrapping paper
Q is for quick (what you have to be to get the best food)
R is for rum sauce (great on pound cake, pumpkin pie, almost anything)
S is for Santa Claus (a fat, jolly one not a tall, skinny one)
T is for turkey ( I was desperate one year and tried Spam turkey in a can- yuck!)
U is for under the mistletoe
V is for velvet dresses and patten leather shoes
W is for white christmas (even just a few flakes would be nice)
X is for x-cellent hot chocolate (with lots and lots of marshmallow fluff)
Y is for yuletide cheer
Z is for zombie (and other trick or treaters)

Now, lest you think I hate Japan, here are some great things about the holidays in Japan.
1. Christmas cake (shortcake, strawberries, lots of whipped cream- Yummmmmmyyyy!)
2. Our Christmas tree (she may be tiny but when you turn on the Christmas lights she is a sight to behold!)
3. No oven=very little clean up
4. Whole roasted chickens from KFC fill in for turkey nicely
5. The 100 Yen Shop has Christmas decorations galore
6. The Christmas CD Hubs bought for me last Christmas (just put it on repeat and it is almost the same as the Magic of Christmas)
7. Yummy pudding and o-zoni my MIL makes

Ahhhh, now that feels better!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Night Owl

When Hubs is gone, I leave the light above the stove on. I don't know why, I just do. Little did I know that that light would attract a little, buzzing Bailey bug.

I heard something. I waited. There it was again, coming from the living room. I struggled to find my cell phone and flipped it open. 1:58 am.

Pushing the covers off, my feet touched the cold wooden floor and I heard a door open and close. Great, just great.

I opened my door and ran smack dab into....... Bailey.

"Mommy," he said, taking my hand, "Let's play blocks."

"Bailey, it is way too early to get up," I said steering him toward the bathroom.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Ok," I said, "But you have to be quiet. Sophie is asleep."

After he finished up in the bathroom, I got him settled in bed beside me. He fell asleep holding my hand.

Clean Up On Aisle One

I had forgotten. Sophie ever so loudly reminded me. Babies hate to have their nose's wiped. Thanks to this warm one day, cold the next day kinda weather, both of the kids have a runny nose.

Bailey does the "Big Boy" thing- gets a tissue, wipes his own nose and throws the tissue away. Sophie squirms, squeals, pushes and cries. Never the one to just stand by and watch, Bailey offered this advice. "Maybe she wants to do it by herself. "

Ahhh, now if I could just teach not to eat the tissues when she is done.

A Day At The Park

Sophie enjoying the sunshine in the park on Sunday.
There were lots of other things to do in the park, but this, by far, was Bailey's favorite.

Monday, October 16, 2006

A Little Off

Last night after Sophie had a midnight snack, I decided to wake Bailey up and take him to the bathroom. Several mornings of 5:00 wake up calls because his pj's were wet was more than enough for me.

I managed to get his pants and underwear off and carry him to the bathroom. I didn't turn the light on at Bailey's request. I heard a little slosh and thought he was finished. I handed him some toilet paper and he pushed it away.

"Mommy," he whined, "My foot is wet and cold."

Oops! Seems my aim was a little off and instead of setting him on the toilet I set his foot in the toilet. Guess I should see about getting a night light.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fresh Air

How can you tell if someone is growing up? Witness:

Me: You can sleep in tomorrow. I will take the kids to the park or something.
Hubs: No, I want to go to the park too!
(A wish to revert to childhood?)
Me: Really, it is no problem.
Hubs: But it is the only time I really have to spend with them.
(Sleep used to always win. Do I sense a change here?)
Me: Ok, if you are sure.
Hubs: Yap! They still take naps don't they?
Me: Sure.
Hubs: Good, good, good.

Cake Head

Recently, Bailey has insisted on wearing this hat everyday and yesterday he insisted that Sophie wear one too. When I put it on her, he rubbed the pom poms and started singing "Happy Birthday". He then proudly announced, "Sophie is birthday cake."

Friday, October 13, 2006

In Reverse

The tub is filled with warm water and lavender bath salt. I am trying to wash Bailey's hair while he shows me a dance he learned at school today. He finishes up with his arms open wide, head thrown back. When he realizes I am not paying attention, he pleads, "Look, Mommy, look."
"Shhhhh," I put my finger to my lips and listen.
"Ma ma ma ma," Sophie's battle cry begins.
I go on trying to finish washing up Bailey, but I can't help but think the sound is getting closer.
I rinse Bailey off and plop him in the tub and head to the living room to get Sophie.
Where is she? I left her in the middle of the living room floor under the play gym with a pacifier and her favorite towel.
The towel is there. The pacifier is there, but Sophie is not.
Okay, she couldn't have gone far. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see something move. Something short and chubby. Definitely a Sophie leg peeking out from under the dining room table.
Seems as though she backed herself up under the table all the while giving the "ma ma ma ma" battle cry. Just like a little school bus.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Turn Down The Volume, Please!!

Oh my!

Tuesday, I headed out to take Bailey to school and then stopped off for my usual cuppa and a niku-man (or two cause they really are that good) and decided to check out a little shop that sells herbal teas and other good for you stuff.

Chamomile tea. Really, that is all I wanted. What I ended up with was a red face, a baby crying hysterically and a box of fennel tea.

I will just say this- I am a foreigner but that doesn't mean that I am hearing impaired. No need, little miss shop owner, to shout thereby attracting people like flies to rotting meat, startling Sophie and making her wail and turning my face the deepest, darkest shade of purple red with just a hint of blue around the edges.

I grabbed for what I thought was chamomile tea, paid and got the heck outta there.

Turns out it was fennel tea.

Don't be surprised if it turns up in somebody's Christmas package.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Picture Update

We spent most of the day Sunday at a BBQ with some of Hubs friends. Bailey tried all day to do this and when he finally got it right, I quickly snapped this picture.
Sleeping in the sunshine.

Hanging out by the grill with Daddy.

Bailey playing tag.

Push ups Sophie style.

Bailey proudly displaying his Pooh creation.

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Amanda (my little sister) and Andy on their wedding day. Just the other day, as we were eating breakfast, Bailey said, "I miss Big Guy (his name for Andy). Let's go see him." He settled for looking at pictures from the wedding.

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Happy Belated Birthday, Big Guy!!

Highly Recommended

Step one: Leave the kids with someone you trust.

Step two: Sit in a darkened movie theater and hold hands. Fall in love all over again.

Step three: Have a nice lunch at a place where the the napkins aren't paper and the glasses aren't plastic.

Step four: Remember happy daddy plus happy mommy equals happy kids!!

Pass The Torch Tuesday

Pass the Torch Tuesday is an opportunity for bloggers to celebrate the ways they see kids/young people doing things RIGHT! These are the little things we witness everyday, that make us proud of and hopeful about the generation to whom we pass the torch.

You can read my entry here and read other entries at Pass The Torch.

Monday, October 09, 2006

The Snowball Effect

First I agreed to do a Halloween party for Bailey's day care.

Then, they asked me if I would mind moving the party to another daycare nearby so more kids could participate.

Now, the head of the school would like all six area day cares to be included.

From 15 kids to 30 kids to 80 kids!!!

Yikes! I didn't even know it was snowing!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Buying Bulk

I tiptoed to the mailbox. Eyes closed to add to the suspense. Reached out, put my hand inside and touched......... nothing, only cold metal.

When, oh, when will you get here? And when can I expect you to be part of my complete breakfast?

Oh right, I just placed my order with FBC last night. I won't be seeing a package for another 31-36 days.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Finding Acceptance

"You have an American face, but a Japanese heart," My MIL said to me as we prepared dinner together, "Many people will never see beyond the face. Show them your heart and they will understand. We are the same."

Kinder words have never been spoken.

My MIL is a foreigner herself. Her parents, both Korean, were forced to come to Japan to work. Japan is all that she knows. The Korean part of her lives on in only a few simple phrases and recipes. FIL's parents hated the idea of their son marrying a foreigner, but they married anyway.

Strange, then, that MIL objected to her son marrying an American.

Our relationship hasn't always been an easy one. There were mountains of cultural differences to climb and the great divide of language, but I listened and watched and learned. Slowly, I gained her respect and she gained mine.

Her words marked a turning point. A sign of better things to come. A sign of hope. A sign of acceptance.


Laughter spilled out of the open window as I approached the school to pick up Bailey.

"Your Mom is here, Bailey," I heard the teacher say.

"Bailey's mom is American," another little voice chimed in.

"I think his dad is Japanese," came yet another.

I stayed outside the door to listen.

"Is Bailey Japanese? Is Bailey American?" the first little voice asked.

I recognized the next voice as one of the oldest boys in the class. "It doesn't matter. He is our friend."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Look Away

If you see me in the grocery store and Bailey is yelling, "Ouch, ouch!!" and Sophie is honing her new found screeching skill, please look away. I don't think I could stand another sad shake of the head or demeaning roll of the eyes. After all, the kids and I are just learning together. One stumbling block at a time.

WFMW 7- Fancy Deviled Eggs

Holidays in our family always mean deviled eggs. To make them a little fancier use a piece of thread to slice the eggs in half. This requires two people. One person holds the thread taut and the other person cuts the egg by wiggling it back and forth to make pretty jagged edges once it is cut through. Makes a beautiful presentation.

Pretty deviled eggs works for me. For more great tips or to add your own stop on by Ms. Shannon's.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Current Events

We have had a fair amount of success with time outs to discipline Bailey. Now, every time that he is put into time out, he uses the bathroom in his pants. I think that he sees it as a get out of time out free card. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.


On a happier note, we had a few visitors last week.

On Thursday, some friends from our old neighborhood stopped by. It was great to see them again, especially M-san who is expecting a baby boy (her second) any day now.

On Sunday, my former colleague and her family came for a visit. We enjoyed pizza and the kids played fairly well together. K-san we will have to do it again soon.

This Sunday we will go to a BBQ with some of Hub's friends from a job he had at a gas station when he was younger. There should be lots of kids and looks like the weather will cooperate, so I can't wait!!

For Pamela

Got tagged by Pamela over at Just The Two Of Us . Like to hear it? Here it go!

1. Five minutes to yourself. How would you spend them ideally? Reading, definitely. I am reading Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata at the moment and can not put it down to save my life.

2. Five dollars to spend right now. How and where would you spend it?
A pacifier holder. I lost two of Sophie's three pacifiers today somewhere in the grocery store because they went attached to her! Of course, on of those lost was her favorite. Sigh!

3. Five items in your house you could part with right now
A stack of bills that need to be paid
A phone book from 2004 (Why am I keeping it?)
A box of leftovers in the fridge from Sunday (If we haven't eaten them now, we won't)
My washer (She's starting to cough and spit more than rinse and spin)
About a thousand plastic containers (Keeping them just in case, but Just in case never comes)

4. Five items in your house you positively, absolutely could never part with
My wedding band and engagement ring
My grandmother's handkerchief (I carried it the day I got married. She's been gone since 1994.)
Family photographs
A lock of Bailey's hair from his first haircut
A piece of Sophie's umbilical cord (It is customary in Japan to do so and although it is a little creepy to me I wouldn't dream of throwing it away)

5. Five words you love

Celebrating Japan Style

A few people who commented on my post for the Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style post asked about celebrating in Japan.

This is a picture taken of the food at Bailey's birthday last year. There are lots of finger foods including fried chicken, shrimp, tempura, cheese and little smoked sausages. The birthday cake is of one of his favorite Japanese characters- Anpanman. For my husband's family, at least, these are typical foods for Christmas as well.

Christmas is usually celebrated by families with young children or young couples. The New Year's holiday is probably more widely celebrated. Typical foods for New Years are ozoni and osechi. I will try to post some recipes later.

Strike A Pose

The aforementioned Big Bird. Doesn't he look well loved? His hair is all matted down and his beak is so dirty. No, Tammy, I am not putting him away just yet, but I am sad to see him go.
Wonder what this one tastes like?

Whenever Bailey sees that I am going to take a picture he wants to pose. Today, I told him just play, be natural. Begrudgingly, he obliged.

What can I say? Sophie is a bit of a poser too!

His father's son. A few weeks ago when I had a pretty bad cold, Hubs was really helpful with doing the dishes. You can always tell when he has done them because the sink sparkles and the silverware is all neatly sorted in the drawer. He even cleaned out the cabinet with all our canned goods in it! Bailey is the same way, just look at those blocks! They have to be color coordinated every single time! Pamela, look, sometimes he gets the peace sign right!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Farewell Friend!

Rocks, a few trading cards, a string, a package of pocket tissues and a stuffed big bird fell out onto the table when I turned Bailey's bag upside down and shook it.

"Hey, Bailey," I said sitting him on my knee, "Let's clean out your school bag."

He quickly grabbed up the rocks and string and said, "Bailey wants these."

"Ok, then how about these cards?"

He looked down at the Thomas cards- one torn, one bent and the other had gotten wet and was coming apart and decided to throw them away.

"Next, pocket tissues."

"Bailey's nose runs," he said stuffing them back into his bag.

Without thinking I put Big Bird back into the bag. Of course he would want it. I remember his first day at school and how after I had convinced him to let go of my hand, he clenched Big Bird around the neck. His security. His lovey.

"No," Bailey said as he took Big Bird out of his bag, "Bailey big boy. No Big Bird."

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to believe that he was ready to leave Big Bird behind. It would mean that he felt comfortable being without me. That he didn't need that little reminder of home.

"OK," he said, zipping up his bag. Before I could respond he was down the hall and putting on his socks and shoes.


Holiday Cooking Blogger Style

The holidays are a little different here in Japan. No oven for baking Christmas cookies or turkey. So, I have to improvise a little. One of the dishes I try to make every year is french onion soup. I will include the directions for baking it although I use the microwave to melt the cheese.

2 Tbsp. margarine or butter 3 large Spanish onions, peeled, sliced 1 can (14-1/2 oz.) beef broth 3 cups cold water 1 bay leaf 6 slices French bread, toasted 1 cup Shredded Swiss Cheese 1/4 cup Grated Parmesan Cheese

MELT margarine in large skillet on medium heat. Add onions; cook about 15 minutes or until golden brown, stirring frequently. Add broth, water and bay leaf; stir. Cover; simmer 15 minutes. Remove and discard bay leaf. PREHEAT broiler. Ladle hot soup evenly into 6 ovenproof bowls; top each bowl of soup with a toast slice. Sprinkle evenly with cheeses.BROIL 5 to 10 minutes or until cheese is golden brown.

Now head on over to Overwhelmed's to see more great recipes or to add your own.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Fun For The Weekend

For some reason, Bailey thinks every picture must include a peace sign. He keeps trying, but oh my.....is that only one finger instead of two? Yes, and it is that finger. Better luck next time!!

Love the way this looks like he is yelling at the woman's butt.

Two Days Just Isn't Enough

Weekend, what is up with you? Why do you go by so fast? Why don't we work on the weekends and relax and have fun on the weekdays? If we did that would people still dread the long work week? Would we start turning in early Friday nights cause we had to get up for work on Saturday? Would two days of work and five days of fun become boring? I am willing to take my chances. Are you?