Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Current Events

We have had a fair amount of success with time outs to discipline Bailey. Now, every time that he is put into time out, he uses the bathroom in his pants. I think that he sees it as a get out of time out free card. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.


On a happier note, we had a few visitors last week.

On Thursday, some friends from our old neighborhood stopped by. It was great to see them again, especially M-san who is expecting a baby boy (her second) any day now.

On Sunday, my former colleague and her family came for a visit. We enjoyed pizza and the kids played fairly well together. K-san we will have to do it again soon.

This Sunday we will go to a BBQ with some of Hub's friends from a job he had at a gas station when he was younger. There should be lots of kids and looks like the weather will cooperate, so I can't wait!!


Lori said...

It sounds like you had a nice weekend.

Vicky said...

Thanks for your nice comments on my blog! It's nice to know that people care about Harry even though they've never met him in person. I like that part of blogging!

About the going in his pants that your little man does.... I'd say make sure that your time out place is wipeable and let him sit in it. I'm sure your timeouts are not that long so he's going to get wet and smelly but it's not actually going to damage his skin. Then take him calmly to the bathroom and have him take his own pants off and clean himself up. If you can hand him what he needs without actually helping with cleanup, and keep comments to the minimum it will make this game boring. The aim (for me and my kids anyway!) is to make the kids misbehaviour so boring and troublesome to themselves that they themselves decide it isn't worth the bother. The problem is that in the short run it is so much easier for Mum to clean up the kids wet bottom, or (for example, recently in my case) for me to vaccum up the million tiny bits of confetti that the kid has snipped and scattered all over the floor. But believe me once he'd pinched up every single tiny flake up between finger and thumb and taken each one individually to the wastepaper basket (it didn't dawn on him to bring the basket over and I didn't enlighten him, evil Mummy that I am!!) the amount of snipping incidents has decreased in this house. (Not stopped, but that's OK - it was every five minutes I couldn't stand!)

Good luck and remember that not many people start school in diapers so this WILL end!

Jenn said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sounds like you had some good fellowshipt his week. :D

Here is the lentil soup recipe:

Frugal and Healthy Lentil Soup

This, by far, is my favorite winter soup recipe. It's
also highly nutritious which is good for keeping the
winter germies away!

First, 24-36 hours before you plan to make the soup,
take 1 cup of lentils and put in a bowl and add to
that 2 cups of tepid water. Let it sit in a warm place
until you make the soup. The lentils will sprout, this
increases the nutritional content and destroys phytic
acid, lentils are about the easiest thing in the world
to sprout.

Now, we will make a very nutritious high mineral broth
for the soup (you can do this the same day you start
the lentils soaking, it's a lot easier that way).
You need:

4 well scrubbed med. sized potatoes
3 good sized carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
4 celery sticks, roughly chopped
1 big bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
4 quarts of water (roughly)

Peel potatoes, place peelings and everything else
(reserve the potatos for the soup, don't add them to
the broth) in a big pot with the 4 quarts of water.
Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer covered for
about 30 minutes. Add the parsley, let simmer for 5
more minutes. Turn off heat and let sit till cool,
strain out the veggies and pour into a bottle and
refrigerate till you make the soup. This is also very
good to sip warm during a cold winter's day, if you
reheat it just be sure to not use the microwave
because it will destroy all the good nutrients.

The Lentil Soup
Finely chop the reserved potatoes, 3 carrots, 3 celery
sticks, 1 lrg. onion, and 3 garlic cloves. Heat up
your broth in a big pot and add all the chopped
veggies to it and let cook for about 30 minutes until
they are soft. Then add the lentils. The lentils may
produce a lot of foam as they cook, be sure to skim
this off. Reduce heat and add some dried thyme and
grey sea salt and pepper (enough to suit your tastes,
I usually like to add some minced habanero and some
natural hickory smoke flavoring and maybe a little
cumin too). Simmer until lentils are tender, about
another 20-30 minutes. Serve up with big crusty hunks
of sourdough bread with lots of butter and maybe a
nice green romaine salad.

TJ said...

Hey Trisha...thought I would say HI!