Tuesday, October 03, 2006

For Pamela

Got tagged by Pamela over at Just The Two Of Us . Like to hear it? Here it go!

1. Five minutes to yourself. How would you spend them ideally? Reading, definitely. I am reading Weedflower by Cynthia Kadohata at the moment and can not put it down to save my life.

2. Five dollars to spend right now. How and where would you spend it?
A pacifier holder. I lost two of Sophie's three pacifiers today somewhere in the grocery store because they went attached to her! Of course, on of those lost was her favorite. Sigh!

3. Five items in your house you could part with right now
A stack of bills that need to be paid
A phone book from 2004 (Why am I keeping it?)
A box of leftovers in the fridge from Sunday (If we haven't eaten them now, we won't)
My washer (She's starting to cough and spit more than rinse and spin)
About a thousand plastic containers (Keeping them just in case, but Just in case never comes)

4. Five items in your house you positively, absolutely could never part with
My wedding band and engagement ring
My grandmother's handkerchief (I carried it the day I got married. She's been gone since 1994.)
Family photographs
A lock of Bailey's hair from his first haircut
A piece of Sophie's umbilical cord (It is customary in Japan to do so and although it is a little creepy to me I wouldn't dream of throwing it away)

5. Five words you love


Pamela said...

Loved all your answers! My washer spits and sputters too, I think it's because I stuff it too much...lol
Saving the umbilical cord is an interesting tradition, but I agree, if I had my kids I would never want to part with it either. :) Thanks for sharing Trisha, great meme!

Susie said...

Loved your answers and learning a bit more about you. The umbilical cord tradition is an interesting one. Is is supposed to bring good luck?