Thursday, October 12, 2006

Turn Down The Volume, Please!!

Oh my!

Tuesday, I headed out to take Bailey to school and then stopped off for my usual cuppa and a niku-man (or two cause they really are that good) and decided to check out a little shop that sells herbal teas and other good for you stuff.

Chamomile tea. Really, that is all I wanted. What I ended up with was a red face, a baby crying hysterically and a box of fennel tea.

I will just say this- I am a foreigner but that doesn't mean that I am hearing impaired. No need, little miss shop owner, to shout thereby attracting people like flies to rotting meat, startling Sophie and making her wail and turning my face the deepest, darkest shade of purple red with just a hint of blue around the edges.

I grabbed for what I thought was chamomile tea, paid and got the heck outta there.

Turns out it was fennel tea.

Don't be surprised if it turns up in somebody's Christmas package.


Lori said...

LOL!!!This was pretty funny.

Ame said...

gosh ... i'm so sorry! how exasperating!!! you know ... it's bad enough when it's just about you, but when the kids get upset, too ... gosh, doesn't that just quadruple it all!?!

Pamela said...

Trisha, isn't that just the strangest thing, I have seen people do this, and I have no clue why. Maybe, next time you can tell her to wait til you can put your hearing aid in...NOT! Hello, I'm not deaf! lol

*Tanyetta* said...

trisha!!!!! i have alot of catching up to do! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, people can be so rude eh? Next time you should yell back at her!