Monday, October 16, 2006

A Little Off

Last night after Sophie had a midnight snack, I decided to wake Bailey up and take him to the bathroom. Several mornings of 5:00 wake up calls because his pj's were wet was more than enough for me.

I managed to get his pants and underwear off and carry him to the bathroom. I didn't turn the light on at Bailey's request. I heard a little slosh and thought he was finished. I handed him some toilet paper and he pushed it away.

"Mommy," he whined, "My foot is wet and cold."

Oops! Seems my aim was a little off and instead of setting him on the toilet I set his foot in the toilet. Guess I should see about getting a night light.


Pamela said...

lol, too funny! Yes, I would say a night light might be a handy thing. :)

TJ said...

Yep Mommy...a nite lite is in!
PS...feeling well enough to visit this evening...I think I'm getting more used to my job!!

marianne said...

OMG,that is so funny!!

Pfingston said...

OH< ROFL!!!!