Saturday, October 14, 2006

Fresh Air

How can you tell if someone is growing up? Witness:

Me: You can sleep in tomorrow. I will take the kids to the park or something.
Hubs: No, I want to go to the park too!
(A wish to revert to childhood?)
Me: Really, it is no problem.
Hubs: But it is the only time I really have to spend with them.
(Sleep used to always win. Do I sense a change here?)
Me: Ok, if you are sure.
Hubs: Yap! They still take naps don't they?
Me: Sure.
Hubs: Good, good, good.


Carole Burant said...

Hi Trisha:-) Thank you so much for stopping by my blog...also for the birthday wishes, so glad you could join the party!! lol Hopefully it won't be your last visit:-)

Anonymous said...

Love the post. That's my motto, too. As long as my kids take a nap in the afternoon, everything will be OK.


Midori said...

Ah do you think your husband could have a word with my husband as mine seems to think that family time is to be avoided at all cost and is mendokusai/ something he has to be forced to participate in!

Anonymous said...

Daddy time with the kids is so important! Its great your husband wants to spend some quality time with them! :)

Pamela said...

So nice that your hubby wants to be there for you and the kids. My hubby is the same way, and it makes all the difference in the world! :)