Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cake Head

Recently, Bailey has insisted on wearing this hat everyday and yesterday he insisted that Sophie wear one too. When I put it on her, he rubbed the pom poms and started singing "Happy Birthday". He then proudly announced, "Sophie is birthday cake."


Anonymous said...

Is he wearing a trucker hat?? How much does it suck that your son is more fashionable than you?? hahaha And we all know the reason that you shop at GAP and Old Navy and the like, and it isn't for yourself.

TJ said...

Darn it my feed for your blog did not come through and I nearly missed this if I hadn't just come on over...I thought something might be wrong since you hadn't was just the feed I guess...I loved this post...isn't it funny how children think...I admired the gift you sent to DJ too...that was very sweet of you Trisha!!!