Sunday, October 01, 2006

Two Days Just Isn't Enough

Weekend, what is up with you? Why do you go by so fast? Why don't we work on the weekends and relax and have fun on the weekdays? If we did that would people still dread the long work week? Would we start turning in early Friday nights cause we had to get up for work on Saturday? Would two days of work and five days of fun become boring? I am willing to take my chances. Are you?


Pamela said...

Trisha, Wouldn't that be nice to work on the weekend and have the weeks

Teach Bailey to "sign" I love you, in sign language. thumb, index finger, and pinky finger up ~ the other two down. :)

TAG ~ Your it! Just a little meme. :)

Amy said...

No joke girl. It's Monday and I'm sitting here, thinking "Where did the weekend go!?!?!" I can see why people like to homeschool. Not enough family time this way!! But in two weeks we have fall break, a week off. We've never had this before and I'm sure by the end of the week we will all be waiting for the school week to start!