Saturday, September 30, 2006

And I Think To Myself, What A Wonderful World.....

What a wonderful way to start the day.

Waking up five minutes before Sophie instead of being jolted awake by her I'm-so-hungry-feed-me-right-this-minute-or-I-might-perish cry.

Finishing Sophie's bottle and getting to use the bathroom before Bailey's get-me-outta-here-cause-I-am-about-to-pee-all-over-the-place war cry.

Bailey wrapping his arms around my neck, giving me a kiss and saying, "Good morning sweet Mommy."

Knowing that my husband is happily sleeping in the other room instead of rushing around to get ready for work.

What a wonderful start to the day.


BlondeBrony said...

That is a great way to start the day. I hope the rest of your day goes as well.

Anonymous said...

Happy Saturday (and Sunday, too).


Anonymous said...

That totally sounds beautiful!!!

Ame said...

yes . . . what a wonderful way to start the day! i love it when that happens ... when i'm up before my girls ... but i'm so NOT a morning person ... and for some reason my mind thinks that wake up time is when my girls come in and wake me up! been thinking lately that i need an adjustment here ;)