Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Short Attention Span

In twelve hours, I keep telling myself. In twelve hours, Hubs will, at least, be in the same country as I am, if not in the same room. The minutes drip drop by. Nothing can keep my attention for long. The book I am reading only holds my attention for two pages. The shows on television all seem to be about lovers and my mind wanders back......

For a big part of our courtship (how Victorian is that of me?) we lived in different cities- an hour away by airplane or about three hours away by bullet train. Phone calls were weekly, but visits were monthly at best.

Each time, the night before he was due to arrive would be just like tonight. Checking the clock every few minutes, trying to pass the time with books, TV, puzzles, cleaning, anything. When it was late enough I would go to bed. It would take me a while to fall asleep and when I finally did my sleep was short and jagged, marked by a hundred or more checkings of the clock.

I didn't want to oversleep. Didn't want to be late to pick him up at the train station. Didn't want to waste one precious minute of the time we had together.

It is nights like tonight when I fall in love all over again. Nights like tonight when I feel the strength of our love. Nights like tonight when I feel the power of love.


Kristen said...

What a sweet post. I hope he gets home soon for you! In the meantime...quit watching the clock! Don't you know that watched clocks only tick slower? LOL!

Susie said...

It's hard to be apart from the one you love. In almost forty years of marriage, we haven't really spent more than a few nights here and there apart!

Ame said...

how incredibly beautiful ... and intimate.