Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh My, The Excitement!!

In the last few days, I have rediscovered the good stuff in life. Cases in point:

*My good friend, Courtney will be coming to visit soon. I am so excited! Three years, four years- whichever it has been too long!!

*Another good friend, Abe and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby boy into the world on October 20. Congratulations!!

*Unexpectedly wonderful- Hubs will be home from Malaysia tomorrow morning and might be able to take the day off from work. Keep your fingers crossed!!

*I think I have everything under control for the Halloween party at Bailey's school. I am actually really looking forward to it!!

*Sophie can now give "high fives" and kisses. I will have to wait until Hubs gets home to capture it on video.

*Something new is coming to this space soon. Stay tuned......

1 comment:

Ame said...

ahhhhh!!! high fives and kisses - such a precious age!!!!!!!