Monday, October 23, 2006

Jack In The Box

Footsteps. Three forward, two back. Braver this time and it is seven forward and none back. Wondering what to do next, thinking he has almost made it back to the land of television, ice cream and other late night fun. Mustering all his courage into a single word, "Mommy."

I wait. Two can play this game.

Maybe she didn't hear me, he thinks and repeats, "Mommy."

I push my chair back from the computer desk.

He runs back into his room.

The third time he ventures out, I wait until he comes to me.

"Mommy, I need water," he says peeking his head around the corner.

A few sips and he is back in bed..... for two minutes.

Tiny feet, gently tap against the hardwood floor. "Mommy, I can't find Cheese (his favorite stuffed dog)."

We find it together and I tuck him in one last time, I hope.


Anonymous said...

Aren't kids so sweet? :)

Nice to have "me time" too though isn't it? LOL

Paula said...

Very sweet. Brings back lots of memories. My youngest is almost nine. I was working hard last night and so my husband read to the two youngest and tucked them in. Before I was out of bed this morning the eight year old had climbed in with me and accused, "you didn't give us hugs and kisses last night."

TJ said...

I loved the Baliley-isms too!!

owlhaven said...

Hey, thanks for plugging me over at Finslippy. It meant alot more than the shameless plug I gave my blog myself over there! hehe

Mary, mom to many

Anonymous said...

hehe that sounds so sweet! Mommy time is sacred!

Pamela said...

Patience is a virtue! lol You wrote it so well. Brings back memories for me too. :) Got to stretch it out see how far can I get before I have to go to bed. hehe!

Kristen said...

How sweet. Reminds me of me when I was a kid. :-)

Ame said...

ohhhh, yes! i love that pitter-patter of little feet!