Monday, October 23, 2006


Build a block tower. Knock it down. Build it again. Knock it back down.

"Look Mommy," Bailey said waiting for me to look up from changing Sophie's diaper, "I am knocking blocks off!"

Starting a little young, aren't we?


Guzzling a glass of milk at dinner.

A burp escapes through milk mustached lips.

"Bailey, say excuse me."

"Accuse me, Mommy!"


Toweling off after my shower, I feel somebody looking at me.

"Here," Bailey says handing me a t-shirt, "I like you better with clothes on."


*Tanyetta* said...

oooh. bailey is something else isn't he? well, you know they say outta the mouth of babes comes all truths. but, dang he could've taken it easy on you right? :)

hugs. thank you again for the wonderful presents. dj tore through all the candy. :)

Paula said...

Too funny! I love that!

Ame said...


Pfingston said...

Oh my word! My two year old saw me step out of the shower once and said
"Uh-ho, poo poo"

Of course refering to dark patch that had not other explination for her.

Yeah, fun.