Sunday, October 29, 2006

Random Shots

Waiting on the train home. It was a nice warm day and after playing in the ball pool, having lunch and a little nap, Sophie was feeling fine.
Watching the trains go by and waiting for ours. Nothing beats free entertainment.

Yesterday we went to an indoor play place to play with the cousins. This is what Bailey did to amuse himself while we waited for everyone to come.

Yes, I know it is a bad picture of a picture, but just look at it. It is a beauty, my dream Christmas cake. Hubs says it looks like a wedding cake. I say it looks like the best-darn-combination-of-cream-shortcake-and -strawberries-this-girl-has-ever-seen. Plus, Bailey usually doesn't eat the cake, just the strawberries and oh boy, does this have lots of strawberries!! Alas, at about 8000 yen (about $80), I don't think she will be making her appearance on our Christmas table, but one can dream.....

When you've got all those toys, you can't help but smile!

Just a little Halloween somethin' somethin' I did to spruce up the entrance to our home. Hubs is always saying that the entrance gives people their first impression of our home and if that is true, then I would hate to think what the impression was before this picture. Old mail, a few discarded socks, Bailey's school bag, a blanket for Sophie, the rain cover for the stroller and a box of tissues used to litter this space. i think I like the flowers and gourds better!


Susie said...

Your little Halloween planter is really cute!

Anonymous said...

I adore the planter too!

The pictures are amazing!

THe cake looks fuzzily delicious!

Pfingston said...

The impression is, this is a home with small children. My home has the same impression. So, what do they do for holloween there?

Ame said...

yummmmmm ... but $80.!!!!!!!!!!!

Gina said...

I like the look of your entrance! Is that a pumpkin planter with plant inside? That is just the coolest!