Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Title Would Just Distract From The Content

Hubs is gone. He left this morning for Malaysia and will be gone until Thursday. It seems like a lifetime away. Bailey keeps crying for his daddy and Sophie has the teething grumps. Wish that I could just close my eyes and sleep until he is home again.


As I watch my own little one, wiggle her away across the floor, I can't help but think about one of my good friends from college and his wife. Their little one was due on October 10 and last I heard she was going to be induced. Can't wait to hear the good news, especially since they waited to find out if they were having a boy or a girl.


I have hair like this.

I want hair like this.

I have an appointment on Wednesday. We will see what happens.


Anonymous said...

hehe I was surprised to see your perception of your hair! I am sure the haircut will go great!

Good luck while the hubby is gone! I can only imagine how hard it is for all of you!

Susie said...

I hope the time flies till you hubby returns. I hope your stylist can create the haircut you're looking for!

Midori said...

oooh I like the proposed style!! I had my hair like that for most of the time I was at uni! Very easy and sexy!!