Monday, October 02, 2006

Farewell Friend!

Rocks, a few trading cards, a string, a package of pocket tissues and a stuffed big bird fell out onto the table when I turned Bailey's bag upside down and shook it.

"Hey, Bailey," I said sitting him on my knee, "Let's clean out your school bag."

He quickly grabbed up the rocks and string and said, "Bailey wants these."

"Ok, then how about these cards?"

He looked down at the Thomas cards- one torn, one bent and the other had gotten wet and was coming apart and decided to throw them away.

"Next, pocket tissues."

"Bailey's nose runs," he said stuffing them back into his bag.

Without thinking I put Big Bird back into the bag. Of course he would want it. I remember his first day at school and how after I had convinced him to let go of my hand, he clenched Big Bird around the neck. His security. His lovey.

"No," Bailey said as he took Big Bird out of his bag, "Bailey big boy. No Big Bird."

"Are you sure?" I asked, not wanting to believe that he was ready to leave Big Bird behind. It would mean that he felt comfortable being without me. That he didn't need that little reminder of home.

"OK," he said, zipping up his bag. Before I could respond he was down the hall and putting on his socks and shoes.



Anonymous said...'re probably right!

Ame said...

Oh! that is bittersweet! you want them to gain independent confidence ... really, it's better for them ... and when they do we melt inside knowing that another little milestone has been reached ... another step to becoming separate from Mommy ... then you find that there will be new ways they need you ... always need their Momma ... it will just look different :)

Anonymous said...

Heart-warming moment, isn’t it?

My 3-year old also has his moments.

“Daddy, I’m a big boy now,” he said, one time.

“I know you are,” I said.

“I use the potty now.”


“I can brush my teeth.”

I nod my head.

“And I’m a good boy.”

I smile.

“And I need more toys.”

I knew it.


Pfingston said...

Yes. We lost my little girl's lovey. Her dog-dog. I think I miss it more than she does. What gets me is thinking of this old worn plane brown dog somewhere, like on a road, forlorn with no one knowing how much love that dog dog got. To dwell on it just breaks my heart! Guess it was my lovey too.

TJ said...

Don't toss it yet Mommy...he may change his little mind!