Thursday, October 05, 2006


Laughter spilled out of the open window as I approached the school to pick up Bailey.

"Your Mom is here, Bailey," I heard the teacher say.

"Bailey's mom is American," another little voice chimed in.

"I think his dad is Japanese," came yet another.

I stayed outside the door to listen.

"Is Bailey Japanese? Is Bailey American?" the first little voice asked.

I recognized the next voice as one of the oldest boys in the class. "It doesn't matter. He is our friend."


Anonymous said...

awww that is just so beautiful! What wonderful kids!

TJ said...

well...I'm glad someone spoke up...I was almost afraid of where this was!

Midori said...

Kids really do say the most wonderful things don`t they!? if only all adults could think that way too!

Ame said...

incredible wisdom for a child - a gift from his parents, i am sure. incredible how people "look" at us, isn't it. i've always "fit in" to the group that is generally not a recipient of prejudism - until i divorced. as a divorced, single mom i have, for the first time, tasted prejudism ... it is shocking. how beautiful God placed this wise child in your son's class!

Anonymous said...

Kids can sometimes teach us things can't they?!? Your son is probably really proud of his friends!!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent contribution to Pass the Torch Tuesday! Thank you for joining us. What a great example of catching a kid doing something really awesome. Standing up for someone -- it's a hard thing to do, and so important.

Joanne Casale Viskup said...

Sweet. Now we need more grown-ups who think this way.