Friday, October 06, 2006

Buying Bulk

I tiptoed to the mailbox. Eyes closed to add to the suspense. Reached out, put my hand inside and touched......... nothing, only cold metal.

When, oh, when will you get here? And when can I expect you to be part of my complete breakfast?

Oh right, I just placed my order with FBC last night. I won't be seeing a package for another 31-36 days.


Midori said...

LOL! I was checking out the FBC catalogue yesterday as well. There were too many things I wanted and I didn`t know where to start!!!

Amy said...

What is FBC?

Anonymous said...

Oh My that would be so dangerous! Cool that you can order some of your favorites!

Susie said...

I had never heard of FBC. Is it sort of like Costco by mail?

Amy said...

When I lived in France I missed peanut butter and Tampons. What do you miss over there?

TJ said...

Hope you get your grocery's soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmm? A-1 and mini-wheats for breakfast?

Have a great weekend.


marianne said...

LOL!I am just the same.As soon as I order,I expect my box to be there!

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I'm usually trying to order Japanese foods from Amazon. Thank God Wal-Mart has Pocky now, lol.

Michael Lawrence Chappell said...

Hi Trisha,

Thank you so much for sending the FBC information to my blog. Ahhh the thought of my toddler eating oatmeal with applesauce on the side once again. He's been on a month-long protest of oatmeal because there is no applesauce to go along with it. I wish I could get it sooner than 30 days though!! Let the 30 day wait begin!

Your blogs are so entertaining. Thank you for sharing.


Pamela said...

That sounds like it would be wonderful for someone who is craving food from their native are cheating! hehe! JK, I am very happy for you!

Amy said she missed tampons, that's scary, what do they use in France, I wonder. :)

Gina said...

Me too, I always want my order right away as well! : )