Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Night Owl

When Hubs is gone, I leave the light above the stove on. I don't know why, I just do. Little did I know that that light would attract a little, buzzing Bailey bug.

I heard something. I waited. There it was again, coming from the living room. I struggled to find my cell phone and flipped it open. 1:58 am.

Pushing the covers off, my feet touched the cold wooden floor and I heard a door open and close. Great, just great.

I opened my door and ran smack dab into....... Bailey.

"Mommy," he said, taking my hand, "Let's play blocks."

"Bailey, it is way too early to get up," I said steering him toward the bathroom.

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Ok," I said, "But you have to be quiet. Sophie is asleep."

After he finished up in the bathroom, I got him settled in bed beside me. He fell asleep holding my hand.


Susie said...

Maybe he's sleeping schedule is set to another time zone? LOL!

chelle said...

awwwwwwww.....I adore sleeping with Becca, we do not do it often but when I do .... awwwww he feel asleep holding your hand!!!!

Kristen said...

I love it. That is so sweet. My kids do that sometimes and it's such a comforting feeling....for them and for me. ;-)

TJ said...

sweet posts today Trisha!!
I love your little family!!
I'm tired but wanted to get around and say hi before I hit the sack...it is just 6:43pm but 3:30am comes early and a 10 hour day after that....sigh...

Ms. Kathleen said...

When my kids were little they always crawled into bed with me when their Dad was gone. Sweet!

Pamela said...

Whenever I am alone and my hubby works nights any noise out of the ordinary is just the worst. So glad it was just Bailey. Very cute!