Monday, July 31, 2006

The Brightest Star

Our little resident rooster, Bailey, cockadoodledooed me awake this morning before six and I decided to use the extra time before Sophie woke up to call home. Sometimes news from home is good, sometimes it knocks the wind out of your sails, like today.

It never gets easy being away from the ones you love, the ones that played with you when you were a child and now play with your kids. It isn't easy realizing that they are getting on in years. To see the flecks of grey in their hair, to hear their bones creek when they move, to hear the waiver in their voice. They hold you just a little tighter and ask youto linger just a little bit longer, as if they know time is drawing close.

It is even more difficult to be away from family when you lose someone. I wish that I could be there to say good bye to gather up those that remain and hold them and tell them I love them. For even in bad times or times of sorrow, our family is strong- helping, crying, healing together.

My Aunt Violet passed away on July 24th at the age of 79. She was kind, funny and warm. She lovingly called her sisters, "sis", she was a member of her local church, taught Sunday school and even had her own beauty shop. The light of her life may have faded, but her star is shining brighter than ever in heaven. You will be greatly missed.

A Cold Day In July

Stepped outside today and felt a brisk, cool breeze. Fall is just right around the corner, I thought to myself. I even put both of the kids in long pants and a cardigan on Sophie. On the way to school, the wind got pretty strong and there was Bailey holding his head and saying, "My hair, my hair." and then collapsing into giggles.

When we got to the building, the teacher said, "It sure is chilly today, isn't it?"

"Yes," I replied, "gonna be fall soon." Looking puzzled she just nodded.

Convinced that we were all going to catch our death from the chill, I turned off the air conditioner once Sophie and I got home and started in making a pot of beef vegetable soup. the house had just started to fill with the most delicious smelling aromas, when the timer on the washer started beeping. Time to hang out the wash. I opened the sliding glass doors and was met with the hard, unmoving air of summer. Sickeningly hot especially in a long sleeve shirt and jeans.

Sweating after I finished the laundry, I went inside turned on the AC and took the cardigan off a pink faced Sophie and put the soup into plastic containers to freeze. Too hot for clothes, too hot for soup. I would think about dinner later.

We went to pick Bailey up and he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. Smiling, the teacher said, "He was just too hot in those other clothes."

OK, point taken but for a minute there I was sure it was September, not July.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Reasons To Celebrate

Sophie loves to sit up in the stroller. just look at that grin!
My ice cream birthday cake from Baskin Robbins.
Here comes Mommy with dinner!!
As Sophie leans in to chat, Bailey tries his best not to dive face first into the cake.
I was just about to blow out the candles when I heard, "Wait!" Hubs chose that exact moment to take a picture of me all puckered up.
Seems like Sophie wanted to celebrate with cake too.

Simply Sophie

Preparing to catch some zzzzzzs at TGIFridays.
Cute shirt, you might say, love the bow. I did too. She hadn't had it on for then an hour when she yanked off the bow. It is completely gone, just two sad threads left where that sweet, sweet bow used to be. Sigh!
Sophie has discovered that she can pull the shade off of her seat and keeps herself amused by doing it constantly.

The Red Balloon (And A White One, Too!)

Helping Bailey choose a bedtime book.
Bailey insisted that the balloons wait right outside while he took a bath.
On the way home, Mr. and Mrs. Balloon enjoyed a window seat.
Saddened that he would have to leave his new friends behind while he washed off the stench of the day.
Where all the fun with Mr. and Mrs. Balloon began at TGIFridays over a meal of chicken strips and fries washed down with what else but apple juice. (Sorry that the order is all messed up. Too tired to fight tonight.)

Trains, Monorails, Elevators And Escalators

Every once in a while, before the sun even comes up, Bailey stumbles out of bed and we head outside for an adventure! Saturday, after pancakes at McDonalds we headed for the train station. He loves anything that moves (a typical boy), you can see it all over his face! Unfortunately seeing trains and riding trains was not enough. He had to taste it too! Buttons, switches, remote controls have to be touched, pushed multiple times until Mom has had enough! It was hot out and after drinking way, way too much apple juice we headed home.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Through My Children's Eyes

How can we sing the songs of the LORD while in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4

(Recently, while waiting for more homes to be added to Boomama's blog I clicked on a link for Everyday Mommy and found a contest called Writing From The Heart and the topic was What my children taught me about God. I couldn't get it out of my head, so here I set at 4:00 in the morning, feeling humbled and truly blessed. This is my entry.)

*I sat with the lights down low, starring out the window into darkness, adding worry on top of worry. Lost and unable to see the light.

The little hand tugged at my sleeve, but I barely noticed it. I felt him standing beside me waiting, wanting, inviting me to play. Still I pretended not to notice. How could he possibly understand?

"Mommy," came the soft little voice. Growing impatient, he put his hands on my face and brought me down to his level.

"Mommy," he repeated working his hands to the words, "Oh, the itsy, bitsy 'pider cli' up the w'er spout......"

Lesson learned: Growing up I remember church gaterings, bible school, singing meetings and the feel of my grandmother's hand in mine as we said grace. Somehow, I lost my way, but He never left me. He stood beside me when things got rough, softly calling until I realized I wasn't alone. It was up to me to turn to Him, to notice Him, to make him a priority once again.

*"Hurry," I said shaking the little hand held tightly in mine to get his attention, "We don't have much time."

"Mommy, up," he said thrusting both hands into the air, wanting to be carried.

"You are a big boy. You can walk. Ready 1-2-1-2-1-2," I tried doing my best solider march.

"Bailey tired. Mommy please." I loooked down into those sweet, innocent brown eyes and the next thing I know I felt his breath on my neck as he wrapped his arms around me and patted my back. "Thank you, Mommy."

Lesson learned: We do not walk through this life completely on out own. Sometimes we are carried by the grace of God and we should give thanks to Him for all that He has done.

*Ecclesiastes 3
A Time for Everything 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,
4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

"It's a boy!"
"Mommy, I got a boo boo."
"Mommy, let's dance together. Like this."
"Mommy, I need a hug!"
"Mommy, I lost my train."
Trembling lip, wet cheeks as I hold him.
"Mommy, lub you!"

The most important thing my children have taught me about God is that He is everywhere. In the day to day, in the darkest hour, in the sound of laughter, in what we do and how we choose to live our lives. Sounds simple, really, but all you need is love. A love for those around you be it stranger or friend, a love for the life that He has given you and a love of God.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1Corinthians 13:13

Friday, July 28, 2006

Bloggy Tour, Right This Way....

I had a little problem with the Mr. Linky Stinky and just left the address of this blog on BooMamas blog. Scroll down and you will find our humble abode!!

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about Summer in Japan
1. Festivals and all the candied apples and chocolate covered bananas that come with it.
2. Fireworks that make the entire crowd ooooo and aaahhhh.
3. Yukatas (summer cotton kimonos) on everyone- young and old, man and woman, the pretty and the not so pretty.
4. That handkerchief everyone carries around for the purpose of sopping up sweat.
5. Prickly heat in places prickly heat should never be.
6. The medicinal smell of mosquito repellant as you toss and turn in the heat, trying to sleep.
7. The jingle jangle of wind chimes that your MIL puts out only in the summer.
8. Sparklers just because.
9. Ghost stories to help cool the blood.
10. All kinds of stamina foods- grilled eel and other treasures.
11. Shaved ice in every color imaginable.
12. Ice cold noodles and salty dipping sauce (somen).
13. Obon (the festival of the dead) and paper lanterns glowing on a silky, black river guiding lost souls
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!1.Cindi 2.Lady Jane3.Lashawn(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Riddle Me This

*(Bad picture, sorry!) Why, after Sophie was born did they give me (and all the other mothers) a piece of umbilical cord to keep? All the moms I asked said they didn't really know why, but that they wouldn't dare throw it away. Yes, it is in there. No, I haven't opened the box.* Spaghetti makes a great headband. Why didn't I think of that?

* Why does our aparment elevator always smell like someone ate a bushel basket full of asparagus and then peed?

* Why as I almost broke my nose tripping over toys and falling on my face, both kids laughed. (Sophie's first real laugh!) Priceless!!

* Why when Sophie was only a few days old MIL suggested it would be ok to leave her sleeping alone in the apartment while I went to the store, but is disgusted at the fact that Bailey sleeps in his own room (usually) and not in bed with us?

* Why does taking a drink directly from the faucet (Bailey's favorite new trick) taste better than water from a cup?

When you figure it out, let me know.

Make Yourself At Home (Bloggy Tour Of Homes)

Welcome! Hope you enjoy the pictures of our apartment.

Just When You Least Expect It

It was going to be a girl's day out. First a little shopping for clothes (always, always fun) and then lunch. I found the cutest little shirt and pants for Sophie and we headed up to the fifth floor to have lunch. In the elevator, Sophie fell asleep and I was looking forward to being able to really enjoy and take my time eating lunch. While I waited for my food, I spent my time people watching. It is summer vacation here in Japan, so there were lots of Moms with their children. Their were also a lot of Grandmothers enjoying the day with their daughters and grandkids. That is when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Crushing me, making me wish I had brought a book to read. Something, anything to take away the sudden rush of homesickness.

Having lived in Japan for going on eight years, that feeling is not new. But, this homesickness was not for a place or a food or TV. It was for my Mom, pure and simple. I wanted to be eating lunch with Mom, picking out Sophie's clothes together, wondering at the mysteries of Japan, and just knowing that she was there. My Mom is like a rock, steady and strong even when she doesn't think that she is. I just to flinch when I did something "like Mom" but now I want my kids to have the kind of childhood I had. Rich in love, and although not always easy, and overall happy. This is due in large part to my Mom along with other family members and friends. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes but it is what you do with those mistakes that matter. How you learn, how you grow, how you change. Mom does all of those things beautifully.

Basically, what it boils down to, is this:

Mom, you got a little time now all the work is done,

Get yourself over here and let's have some fun.

Can't Keep Him Clean Anyway...........

Might as well throw him in the wash. A little bleach wouldn't hurt. (Bailey is always asking to look inside the washer and so I decided to give him experience firsthand. Funny thing is, he didn't want to get out!)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

What's For Dinner Wednesday II

We are still recuperating here and I wanted something fast and easy for dinner tonight. I was also craving chicken noodle soup and this was as close as I could come- cream stew over rice. In the stew, there are carrots, onions, potatoes, chicken and creamed corn. I know you are thinking, creamed corn GROSS! but it gives it a little touch of sweetness that Bailey loves. It tastes better than it looks- trust me on this one.

How Can You See The Future With Your Head Down?

Needing some fresh air and to hang out some laundry (Poor little Sophie could hardly keep anything down yesterday. I am not talking a little spit up I am talking all over the rocking chair, her, me and the floor. I had to change us both at least three times, thus the laundry pile up.) I ventured out onto the veranda last night around nine.

The cool breeze felt good and so I lingered even after all the laundry was hung. On the street below, a line of business men all with their suit jackets thrown over one arm, ties off, top button undone followed in almost a perfect line across the crosswalk and onwards to the train station. No one was talking, they were all looking down as if willing their tired, scuffed shoes to walk the last few paces to the station.

The stereotype that Japanese people are hardworkers who stay up until all hours for the good of the company, is to a large extent true. If you are business man in Japan, you are at your company's beck and call twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. I know that most of these men are working hard to provide for their families, but balance seems to be missing.

Hubs sleeps with his company issued cell phone in case something, somewhere happens and they need something quick. What with the phone calls and e-mails he phone is hardly ever quiet. And of course, there must be call waiting to interupt the call at least once. How can you have a family life, the people you are working so hard to support, when you can never fully leave the stress of work behind. As long as you have that phone, they can find you- anytime, anywhere (and beleive me they do!)

This is not to say that I fault my husband for this. He works really hard at being a good employee and a good father and husband, but I feel sorry that he has to be pulled in so many directions and feel the only thing he can do about it is dream of moving to America where he hopes life will be easier for all of us.

He pictures summer BBQs, playing catch in our own front yard, getting to tuck the kids in bed on weekday nights, leaving the office at the office and breathing in the American Dream. I dream of Wal-Mart, Target and Taco Bell. (Just kidding, well, kinda.)

Our family has yet to find that perfect balance, but we aren't giving up just yet. I was so relieved when Hubs came home last night- jacket and tie still on, top button buttoned and a smile and kiss for me. Still there is the faith, the hope in both of us that makes each day, each cross a little easier to bear.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cough, Sneeze, Sniffle, Drip, Drip (A Sad State Of Affairs)

Under the influence of cold medicine,
The world starts to spin again,
First, in slow motion feed,
Just warming up, just what I need,
Eyes open, head starts to clear,
More clearly I can hear,
The calls of mommy, tissue please,
The slight surprise in Sophie's sneeze.
Three colds, one house,
Now all quiet as a mouse,
Sleeping in their little beds,
Cool wash cloths on their heads,
Vicks Vapo Rub in the air,
Too much grease in my hair,
Too tired to cook, too tired to clean,
And we all know what that means,
Dishes to the ceiling, toys on the floor,
And then comes a sound at the door,
I took care of them all day long,
I love them, now don't get me wrong,
Honey what's for dinner, I say with a smile on my face,
While he shakes his head at the looks of this place.
Here's some juice that I bought for you,
Now, what else can I do?

Meeting Sophie

Trying out yet another type of slideshow. This time about Sophie.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Bailey's First Trip To The Ocean (Summer 2005)

View this video montage created at One True Media
Every Picture Tells A Story

Just trying to figure out the whole slideshow thing. Not exactly what I wanted but it'll do till I find something better.

Meanwhile, Back At The Ranch

This morning I have spent more time in the bathroom than with my kids. Don't really want to go into it right now, but let's just say it involved a lot of toilet paper (thank god I bought a twelve pack yesterday) and a little burning. Think you can kinda figure it out from there.

While I was holding court in the bathroom, Bailey tried his best to fill the Mommy void. Overheard, "It's ok, Sophie. She just poop again." When I could actually free myself from the magnetic pull the toilet had over me, some new development had occured in my absence.

"Bailey watch DVDV." and I heard him turn on the TV, open the DVD player, insert the disc and press start. When did he learn how to do that? I came back to a living room floor scattered with Barney DVDs, Thomas DVDs, Sesame Street DVDs and the DVD of Bailey's class performance playing.

After cleaning up the DVDs, getting some juice and successfully washing two plates it was back into the bathroom for me. Sophie was getting mad, the wailing escalated and I still couldn't move. Finished up as quickly as possible, and Sophie was giving me that look (see picture) that said, "Aren't you supposed to be mommying us? Just where have you been?"

Milk and a little quality time with Mommy and she was good to go. And, good thing too, because I had to go. I knew it was getting close to naptime and Bailey was rubbing his eyes, but some things just can't wait.

"I get blankey," I heard him call (he stopped coming to visit after the third or fourth time) and I came back to Bailey preparing to nap. If my bowels will cooperate, I think I will join him.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

How Bailey's Mind Works

Walking hand in hand with Bailey, he spies a little, shaggy, tan dog being walked by his owner. The dog is excitedly running along, wagging his tail.

I feel a tug on my hand, "Look, Mommy. Doggie wave. Hi, Mister Doggie!"

Riding in the car on the way home from grocery shopping, Bailey suddenly announces, "My name is Bailey Yonekura."

"That's right. Who's that?" I ask pointing to the car seat beside him.

"She Sophie Yonekura."

"Good job! How about this person? What is his name?" I gesture toward Hubs in the drivers seat.

"He Daddy Yonekura."

Stifling a laugh, "Ok. How about me? Who is this?"

"She Mommy Trisha Yonekura." Bailey, pleased with his work for the day, reclines back in his seat and grins from ear to ear.

Bailey's new nickname for Sophie is Soph. Today as she lay on the floor practicing rolling over, he went over lay down beside her, got eye to eye and said softly, "Sophie, let's play."

When no response came, he said in his mad boy voice, "I say let's play NOW!"

Bailey likes order and orginazation just like Daddy. When we came home from the grocery store he began help unpack and put away what we bought. He put the tissues in the bathroom along with the toilet paper. He came back, just itching to help and put another notch on his big boy belt.

"Can you put away the paper towels, please," I ask as I go off to put the soap powder in the laundry room.

"Finished!" he announced coming around the corner headed for his bag of diapers.

"Okay. Those go in Bailey's room." And off he goes again to put them away.

I was busy with Sophie's bath and didn't think anmore about it until they were both in bed. Opening the bathroom door, I was greeted with not only the toilet paper and tissues but also the paper towels and his diapers. To him, they were all bathroom things!

A Festivalin' We Went

Summer time in Japan means festivals, lots and lots of festivals. Here is Hubs sister Hiromi with cousins Kazu and Ayano warming up to play the Japanese base drum or taiko.
Giving Mommy a little love. Love the way he has to grab you by the face.
Hirom and Kazu banging on the drum.
Hiromi's son Eito trying to figure the whole drumming thing out.
The noise, the heat, the lights. It was all too much for Sophie. She slept most of the time we were there.
Dancing to the beat of the taiko drum.
Bailey trying his hand.

I am sure this is our first of many festivals. Look for more pictures in the future.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

"Bailey Talk A Gramma"

On the phone with Gramma, obviously a low point in the conversation. But then......
all smiles when Gramma says, "Let's go to a festival together tonight." (Oh god, please, please just focus on Bailey. Don't look behind him. It is laundry day here and in Japan, clothes dryers are virtually nonexistant. When it rains you gotta hang them up to dry somewhere, right?)

If You Need Me I 'll Be In The Recovery Room

Being a total sweetheart last night, Hubs ordered pizza for dinner, got my favorite cake and flowers! I think he realized what a tough week it had been with the kids crazy sleeping schedule! Oh, and it was our (third) four year anniversary!! I filled up on pizza last night so I didn't have room for the cake, until today.....

Daddy is taking a nap with the kiddy-cats and Mom is in the Recovery Room (aka the computer room or more recently the sanity saver) eating delicious strawberry shortcake and blogging. Nice job, Hubs, very nice!


Let's Talk ....... In Private

I have added an e-mail address where you can reach me if the mood strikes. Click on View my complete profile and you will find an e-mail button. Now you don't have to raise your hand in front of the whole class if you don't want to!!

Shhhh, Just Wai........ Ah Man, Look What You Did!

Ball flies threw the air
Ping- return it over the net
Sails to the opponent
Returned with skill and grace
Opponent runs, misses the ball

"Hey, Trisha," says the opponent, "You are playing really well today!"
From that point on I missed every single time.

What I should have figured out right then and there is if you brag about it or think that you have it all under control, that is when the bottom drops out and everything falls out. Like that overstuffed box you bring home from Sam's Club, your bologna goes rolling down the street only to become dinner for the stray cats in the alley.

Our bologna is rolling and shows no sign of stopping. This whole week it has either been Bailey waking up five times a night or Sophie's inability to even sleep despite being to tired to do anything but grouch around. You get one of them square away and in the tunnel of a foggy sleep you hear the other one cry out and you think that can't possibly be. Why, just last week I was telling H down the street how Sophie has pretty much slept through the night since she was about a month old, but sorry to hear about your little E up every two hours. That must really be tiring. (Smack in the face, as Sophie tries to play handball with your nose at two in the morning. STILL NOT SLEEPING!)

You had just finished patting yourself on the back, saying, "Good work getting Bailey back in to his own room." when you feel cold feet pressed against your back at two in the morning. (Is our bed really big enough for four people?!?)

Maybe the way to remedy this situation is to set the record straight. I don't need sleep. I can operate on four hours of sleep. It is okay if we all party all night and sleep all day. Grouchiness, whining, crying, temper tantrums all are easier to handle on little or no sleep- for both parties involved. Waking up numb on one side cause you couldn't move dare you crush your sweet offspring is a pleasant way to start the day. These are the facts, plain and simple.

If you see me tonight, roaming the halls, scratching my head and trying to balance Sophie on one hip and Bailey on the other, please utter these words, "Don't go to sleep." Reverse psycholgy, you see, works every time!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Firsts

One of Bailey's first successful hops (he calls it popping). Today.
First time Sophie feel asleep "at the gym". Today.
Sophie's first calendar girl pose. Today.
Bailey's first raincoat and boots. June 2005.
One of Sophie's first smiles. March 2006.
Bailey's first trip to the beach. August 2005.
Getting ready for his first day of school. Septemebr 2005.
Sophie's very first picture. February2,2006.

Yeah! Yeah! It Is Your Birthday!!



And, for those of you who missed it, this is Bailey's rendition of Happy Birthday:

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Sheeeelllyyy,

Happy birthday (whispered) to you!!!

Think that just about says it all. Have a good one, Michelle.


My friend over at Sunnidays just lost her father-in-law. Please keep her family in your prayers as the go through this difficult time.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

While I Was Cleaning The Floor, Sophie Was Thinking......

Whatcha got there? A snack? Come on, give me some, Mom can't see us. She's busy......
Just what exactly is Mom doing? I have never seen her do that before. Must be some kind of yoga......

Bloggy Tour Of Homes

Boomama has come up with a wonderful idea for having a bloggy tour of homes. If you click on the button in the Check 'Em Out box or on the link above you can find out more information. I will be participating so you can all see what our little Japanese apartment looks like. Sounds like a lot of fun, hope to see some of you there.

In preparation for all the fun, I decided (or maybe felt guilty after re-reading my last post) to get my butt in gear and clean. I mean really clean. Down on all fours scrubbing the floor, bringing the clothes in from the line instead of just letting them hang there for days, scrubbing the toilet instead of just throwing a little bleach in it. Yes, honey, when you come home tonight the house might smell a little funny, but don't worry that is the smell of clean- probably forgot what it smelled like, didn't you?

Blowing In The Wind

I don't function well under pressure. I like it all to run smoothly and go off without a hitch. I don't like running around like a chicken with my head cut off, wondering where is this, when did you say that, no way that wasn't LAST Wednesday. If I could I would glide through eveyday without my feet ever touching the ground, without ever amking contact with stress, pressure. I would arrive at the end of the day smelling powder fresh and feeling as though I had accomplished everything on my to do list. I wouold never even break a sweat (gross, I hate being all hot and sweaty.)

Lots of people talk about the benefits of routines or schedules for children especially toddlers and babies. This helps them feel safe and secure in knowing whatthe future holds. When Bailey was little, I always felt bound, bored by doing the same thing, the same way day in and day out. But now that Sophie has been added to the equation I find running to the store on a whim nearly impossible and having a schedule more and more crucial. I don't think I could cope with the pressure if it weren't for my schedule. For knowing that both kids will be in bed by seven thorty no matter how rotten the rest of the day has been. Knowing that a bubble bath, a few chapters of my book and a cup of tea will be my reward at eight for having made it through.

I believe that Bailey feels the same way, a kind of security blanket that no matter what happens there will always be an afternoon snack, stories before bathtime and hugs and kisses before bed. Sophie even seems to benefit from it. She goes down for naps so easily and calms down as soon as she hears the water running for her bath. Nice and comfy.

So, where in all the comfort did I become lazy? Where did I become forgetful? I have gotten behind on housecleaning although I wash dishes and do laundry everyday. I have bought presents but haven't sent them out yet. I have put friend's e-mail addresses on my computer but haven't written the first e-mail.

I guess our schedule has swung my hammock in the breeze of life and put me to sleep.......

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What's For Dinner Wednesday

I can't tell you the number of times people back home have asked me, "What y'all eat over there? Is it all seaweed and sushi?" Well, yes and no. Seaweed I love, but sushi is out of the question. Bailey was playing around with the camera and actually took a really good picture of our dinner, so I decided to share it with you all. Tonight's dinner was white rice (we eat rice just about everyday) miso soup with veggies and tofu, grilled salmon and asparagus cooked in dashi and sprinkled with dried fish flakes. Pretty good for a girl from West Virginia, don't you think?

And, of course Bailey wanted to see another picture of himself on "da conputer" so here he is my dinner companion for the evening. He ate everything- including the asparagus!