Friday, September 29, 2006

Five Ingredients Friday- Banana Toast

As the weather cools, I like to serve a warm breakfast instead of the usual cold cereal. This one is a fast, fun take on cinnamon toast.

One slice of bread
1/2 banana, sliced into rounds

Mix together equal parts Cinnamon and sugar. Butter the bread and arrange banana slices on top. Sprinkle with Cinnamon mixture and toast in toaster oven or conventional oven. This is Bailey's new favorite breakfast.

Thanks to Overwhelmed for hosting this recipe exchange. Also don't forget that Monday, October 2 will be a special edition of Holiday Cooking Blogger Style so get your holiday recipes ready.


Pamela said...

Simple and sweet and looks yummy too! I have a toaster over and I will give this a try! Thanks! :)

Glad to hear all is well with Bailey's school. :)

Anonymous said...

mm that does sound good!

Ms. Kathleen said...

This is a new one on me but I love cinnamon toast and I LOVE bananas. It's a must try! Yum!

BlondeBrony said...

I'v never thought of adding banana to cinnamon toast.

Overwhelmed! said...

Okay, I've been wanting to go get a toaster oven and this recipe is making me want one even more so I can try it! :) It sounds yummy!

Thanks for participating in my Five Ingredient Friday recipe exchange. I do appreciate it!

And thanks for including a plug for my upcoming Holiday Cooking, Blogger style recipe exchange.

TJ said...

I love apples thinly sliced on buttered english muffins with a dash of cinnamon and ran under the toaster oven...mmmm...with a cup of hot I must leave the computer for just a few minutes........

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

Sounds delicious! Thanks!

Rae said...

I've had this before, but never toasted in an oven.. having the sugar + cinnamon melt over the bananas sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing =)

Jessica said...

Sounds great! I've never had this combo and I can't wait to try it!

Unknown said...

This sounds really good. I used to love cinnamon toast when I was a child. Haven't had it in years, but I want some now!