Wednesday, August 02, 2006

What's For Dinner Wednesday III

(Note: I ate a late lunch today around 3:00 so this is actually just dinner for Bailey, since Hubs has a business dinner tonight.)

Tonight's main dish was a quick, easy one pot wonder. It is a cold noodle dish with carrots, green peppers, chicken and of course, Japanse style cold noodles. Usually it is served with a dipping sauce on the side, but since Bailey usually ends up knocking the dipping sauce over, I just add the dipping sauce on top. There are also sweet potato balls and spinach with crushed peanut dressing. He ate most of it and then had a banana for dessert. Quick, easy and doesn't heat up the whole apartment. Perfect summer time food!


TJ said...

my daughter had a foreign exchange student from Japan for a friend in high school...she was a sweetie...we had absolutly no Japanese restaurants in western Ky at the of the teachers took them to a Chinese restaurant but she said it just was not the same...isn't it funny how each culture has their particular favorites!

Trisha said...

And you know, Japanese food is different in American than in Japan. Same with American food here. You can get a burger at McDonalds but with a local twist- like teriyaki burger. Hubs loves them, I haven't gotten up enough nerve to try.

Amy said...

Tell me how you make your meals! They sound sooooo good! :)

Trisha said...

Amy- I just wonder of you would be able to get some of the ingredients in the States. Thanks for the compliment.

Anonymous said...

And to think we had steak on the grill, baked potatoes, and salad at Nanny's house... sure sorry you missed it. Guess what, Andy has DAD LEG and has been off from work for three days. Not really DAD LEG, more like foot... but I can still make fun of him right??