We had a rather big snowfall for our area, this past Monday. The kids even got to make a snowman which turned out to be more like a tower when they decided to see if they could make the world's tallest snowman. Of course, after playing out in the snow they had hot chocolate with whipped cream because we ran out of marshmellows.
We really got hit with quite a load of snow, didn't we!: ) It was nice for the kids though.
And I prefer hot chocolate with whipped cream actually. : ) So the kids hot chocolate in the first pic, looked amazing to me! : )
First of all, thank you.
Thank you for investing in parents by blogging about your experiences on Mommy Colored Glasses, and sharing your faith openly.
Please know how incredible this is. And be encouraged to keep going.
I hope and pray that even more Christian parents (as well as non-Christian parents looking for answers) will find your blog and will be inspired by your experiences, solutions and struggles.
We recognize that these are incredible times to live in, where technology allows parents around the world to encourage each other. As for ourselves, we use technology to reach out to children globally.
We’re developing the world’s first videogame that takes kids through the Bible from beginning to end. Our hope is to increase the love for God’s Word amongst kids.
We dream to see fathers and sons going through the Bible together, having fun as they become part of David’s army, spend time in the fish as Jonah, and play level after level, leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Our prayer is that after kids finish the game, they will have an awe of God, and a deep love of the Bible; eager to read it for themselves. We believe that kids can read the Bible, no matter their age (as long as the translation fits their reading level, of course :D ).
In order to steward this immense project well, we’re building relationships with parents like you. We like to ask your input by allowing you to look behind the scenes, have your kids play demo game levels before they go public, etc. You may also recommend a few people you think would be of interest.
Additionally, we can provide you with plenty of interesting “blog-food” (concept art, images, etc) if you feel that this could benefit your subscribers.
If you’d like more information, shoot me a quick reply to the email address below.
Reply to: connect (at) tornadotwins (dot) com
i was thinking about you the other day and wondering how you are :)
don't know how blogger does comments/links ... so:
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