Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sports Day Selections

 The kids had their sports day around the beginning of May.  Despite dark clouds and a forecast of afternoon showers, it all went off without a hitch.  Here is Bailey with a second place sticker on his hat for finishing second place in one of the races.
 Sophie waiting with her fellow first graders to throw balls into the net.  The team that got the most balls in the net was declared the winner.
 Tug of war.  Can you find Bailey?
Sophie getting a little tired toward the end of things but still trying to do her best during the dance.


Gina said...

Way to go Bailey and Sophie! As always, I'm so proud of you guys! : )

Gina said...

And yes, I found Bailey right away! ; )

I sort of like the idea of the schools making undokai in May or June, versus in September like how Branden and Noah's school does.