Tuesday, September 26, 2006

In Other Words III

"It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else."
~ Erma Bombech ~

I had watched him for several days, taking the page torn from a magazine out of his pocket, open it and quickly fold it back up again as if by doing so he was keeping the magic tightly folded within. He didn't want his secret to escape just yet.

He slept with it under his pillow and grabbed it out first thing in the morning. If he didn't have a pocket he put it down his shirt. He would absentmindedly rub it while watching TV. When bath time came, he would carefully place it on the sink and put a hand towel over it.

As I washed his hair, I asked him about it. He didn't say a word, just went on singing like he hadn't heard me.

This went on for about a week. Just this morning, I found the paper opened up, lying on the table.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Bailey wants this. Happy Birthday," he said bringing the paper over to me. I looked down to find an ad for a toy drum.

In November, he will turn three. We will celebrate with cake and a little toy drum.


Ame said...

oh ... oh ... oh!!! that is so cute and precious!!!!!!!

thank you for your kind comments on my blog ;)

Heather said...

Very, very sweet. My kids have never been so discrete about their dreams. Sounds like you have a dreamer on your hands. What a beautiful illustration of how we are with God, carrying our dream around with us, focusing on it, savoring it, until finally we take it to God and He blesses it.

Cathy B said...

So precious! Kids are wonderful at this age :) enjoy it and document all the precious moments. My son once said "I hear you in my dreams..." You are blessed!

Miriam Pauline said...

How sweet. So good that you can make his dreams come true.

Amydeanne said...

awww that is such a great visualization!

CJ said...

My youngest daughter turns one in just a few days, so this really hit home with me.

What an amazing child God has blessed you with! That is just precious!