Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Balancing Act

Geez, that took such a long, long, long time to upload. While it was uploading I washed dishes, made four bottles for Sophie, swept the kitchen, got the kid's clothes ready for tomorrow, rummaged through the fridge thinking about dinner for tomorrow, ate three Hershey Kisses, folded some laundry and watched a little TV. Don't think I will be doing that again for a while.


Pamela said...

Now that is some impressive multitasking! Your little baby girl has such a pretty face. Just love the ways she is starting to keep her balance...sooo darling!

TJ said...

Cute...a couple of times there I thought she was going to topple over and thought of the weeble toys...weebles wobble but they don't fall down!!!
Sweet girly girl!!!
PS...blogger has been a biddy today!!

Anonymous said...

Trisha - I was well worth it though :). Thank you so much for sharing. What a cutie :)...

*Tanyetta* said...

toooooooooo cute. can i hold her? she is tooo sweet. love the balancing act. she has skills :)

Unknown said...

Yeah blogger takes forever to get anything done LOL.