Friday, July 07, 2006

Think Teething Is Anything Like PMS?

Sophie has been a super grouch these last few days and today an inspection of her mouth turned up two teeth pushing their way through her tender, pink gums. Now she is lunging around, blindly searching for something to chomp onto. Her fingers, a blanket, Bailey's bib, my arm and most recently Bailey's nose. (All he had to say about it was "That tickles" and to keep trying to shove his nose down her throat.)

Here in Japan, they say that when a baby is teething her teeth "itch". I agree, an itch that must be scratched and scratched and scratched and scratched until you feel like you just wanna jump out the window to escape it. I remember when my wisdom tooth ( I had three of the four pulled) came in. That was NOT a pleasant experience. I know the teeth that Sophie is sprouting now are not molars, but man, it has got to hurt!

Is it like PMS in that, at first, it hits you pretty hard, but then as the week wears on you feel the pain less and less. I read somewhere that once teething starts you can expect out one or two every month after the initial one. Does that mean Sophie will be getting a visit from Aunt Toothy next month too?

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