Friday, July 07, 2006

Happy Tanabata!

In Japan, today is Tanabata or the Star Festival. To give you a little background, it originates from a legend about two stars, Altair and Vega, who are lovers. The stars are separated by the Milky Way and can only meet one day a year- the seventh day of the seventh month or July 7. To celebrate, children write wishes on narrow strips of colored paper and hang them on bamboo branches. By doing so, they believe their dreams will come true.

Usually, there are lots of these bamboo branches set up in public places and people can just add their wishes to everyone else's. I have seen some very cute ones from children, like I wanna marry my Daddy or I want to be that superhero or this princess. The school that Bailey goes to asked us to write a wish for Bailey and at that time he was still limping around so we wrote something to the effect that we hoped his leg would get better soon.

So tonight, my Tanabata wish is to be happy, to enjoy life with that same carefree abandon as Bailey. That, and that someone would come and unpack the suitcases that are blocking my closet door. (No, I still haven't completely unpacked from our trip to the States.)

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