Friday, July 07, 2006

Oddly Theraputic

  • A clean toilet
  • The smell of that orange kitchen cleaner
  • Not Ready to Make Nice by Dixie Chicks
  • Homemade sloppy joes
  • Taking a stand
  • Breathing, really breathing


Anonymous said...

Thank you first of all for your comment last night on my blog. It really helped when I needed it most. I visited your site and loved your list...funny how strangers can have a lot in common. I had never heard the song you have listed so I looked it up! New favorite song! Thank you. By the way, the "mommy blues" get better at times and then you run into whole new problems like girlfriends, etc. But isn't it a thrilling ride...raising kids?

Take care.

Trisha said...

Thrilling doesn't even begin to explain it. Today it is like one of those roller coasters that go way, way too fast and jerk way, way too hard until you puke on that poor man sitting in front of you. We are both at different stages in our lives, but I think we can learn from each other and hopefully be better for it. Thanks for stopping by and come back anytime. You are always welcome.