Thursday, July 06, 2006

It Got Better, Right?

This is one of those days that I feel totally defeated by motherhood. Nothing's wrong, but nothing's right either. I went through the motions on auto-pilot. Checked each one off my list, because I know the routine by heart. Only my heart wasn't in it.

Fed Bailey breakfast, but there was no laughing when he pretended to burp. Changed Sophie's diaper but didn't kiss the soles of her tiny feet like I usually do. Took the kids for a walk, but didn't stay outside long enough for any of us to enjoy it. Took a nap with the kids, but only woke up grouchier.

Bailey just brought me a boo-boo to kiss and make all better. Then he kissed my arm and said, "Better, Mommy." Not completely, but it is a start.


Anonymous said...

I think it's time to dig out a Dr. Phil book and chill. You just need a Blizzard and birthday cake to make you feel better. Remember, we love you, even when you're grouchy and having a "Trisha day"

Trisha said...

Thanks, Mandy Pandy Poo!