Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hey, Remember ME?!?!?

Hey! This is Sophie and I have taken over the computer. Mommy seems to go on and on and on and on about Bailey this and Bailey that and frankly I am so tired of it I could spit up! Looks like I am gonna have to take things into my own hands and tell you all about a day in the life of quite possibly, the chubbiest baby in Japan.

I usually wake up around 6:oo, have milk, play with Bailey, down for my morning nap by 8:00, wake up in time to take Bailey to school at 10:00, back home for more milk, then shopping with Mommy (do we really need anymore stuff?), a little baby food if I am in the mood, afternoon nap at 12:00, playing with Mommy until it is time to pick up Bailey at 5:00, a bath around 6:00, milk around 6:30 and in bed for the night around 7:00. Nice, comfy routine. Good for me cause I don't get grouchy like I used to around 5:00 and good for Mommy and Daddy cause I sleep at least 11 straight hours at night. That is when all that chub comes in handy.

There are two many cute things that I do to list them all here, but a few of them are:
*Saying something that sounds darn close to hungry, when I am indeed hungry
*Tolerating Bailey pulling my ears and even smiling about it
*High pitched "keyas" and "goos" to amuze Bailey while Mommy makes dinner

Now, I think I have had my say and I feel better for it. Don't forget to remember me next time ok?

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