Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Cabana Chat

Ever she that sketch on MAD TV called Cabana Chat with Dixie Wexler(?) ? She is so tanned that her skin looks like it is pulled across her bones and her hands are always outstreched like she is ready to give someone a high five. That, I am sad to say is my little boy.

What started yesterday as a runny nose became a cough over night with a snot blowing sneeze here and there. He was blowing his germs all over the place and in an attempt to save little Sophie from the same fate, I showed him how to cover his nose and mouth.

You haven't seen nothing until you have seen Bailey play. After the coughing fit is over (yes, I did say over) he will strech his fingers out as far as they will go, place his hand about six inches from his face and do his best impression of an old man cough. You know, the old man down the street that has been smoking since he was in elementary school and can't walk two steps without having a coughing fit. He clears his throat, blows air through his nose and drags out, "Ohhhhhhhh mmmmmmyyyyyyy ggoooooooodddd!" before collapsing in a heap of laughter.

Sneezes are a little bit better. He actually covers his mouth before, but the problem is the after. What to do with the stuff that came flying out. A tissue, no. A napkin, too rough. A piece of toilet paper, too far. In that situation he did what he had to do, pulled off his sock, wiped his nose with it and put it back on. Hmmmm, maybe that is what is happening to his socks at school. As soon as I finished finding Sophie, I made sure to show him where the tissues were and to change his socks.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until he starts acting like Stuart... that will kick!! Get that boy enrolled in some acting classes. I hear KV has a great drama class for kids.

Trisha said...

Too bad we live so far away from KV!