Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mommy Bailey

(Sorry, Sophie, I promise there will be more about you in the future.)

Wish I had the camera, but Daddy took it with him on a business trip. . . . .

Bailey has one of those dolls that you can practice buttoning, snapping, zipping, dressing and undressing and recently he has taken to calling it Bailey's baby. This morning, while I washed dishes he took care of Bailey's baby. This is how it all went down.

Bailey: You must be hot. (Takes of the doll's vest by bending his arms back at an odd angle)
Baby: Smiles
Bailey: I take baby's pants. Still hot? I take baby's shoes. Good boy!
Baby: Smiles
Bailey: (Searches for something, comes back with a tissue, puts it under Baby's chin) Milk time. Look Mommy, she drink.
Mommy: Don't forget to burp him? her? ( I am not sure if it is a boy or girl)
Bailey: Mommy do it. Burps are messy. (He has seen enough spit up to know.)
Mommy: (Burps Baby and hands it back to Bailey)
Bailey: You must be cold. (Tries to put the clothes back on, gets frustrated.) I can't. Mommy help!
Mommy: Let me finish the dishes first.
Bailey: (Covers baby with a blanket and promptly forgets about him? her? in favor of a toy car)

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