On any given day, Bailey comes home from day care with a bag full of dirties. A shirt he spilled soup on, underwear that didn't make it in time, socks dusty with park sand. Anyway, you get the idea, right?
The sizing of clothing is a little different in Japan and Bailey wears around 100 cm (which is equivalent to what a four year old would wear in Japan or about a 3T-4T in the US). I promise this is going somewhere, just keep reading.
Yesterday, his bag was stuffed to the gills with clothes. Hmm, that's funny, I thought, he is still wearing the same clothes sent him to school in. Hmm, funnier still that I recognize none of the clothes. Hmmm, even funnier still that there was a range of sizes (from 80 cm to 130 cm).
So, what did I do with them, I washed them. I am looking at those out of place, wrong-sized things right now. Maybe next week I should slip Bailey's dirties in another kids bag and let his Mom wash them. Nah, it would be like the socks, we would never see them again.
Tomorrow is Bailey's sports festival. I don't know what I am more nervous about- the fact that I think I kinda, sorta got talked into making rice balls for everyone that will be going (about ten people or the fact that I have to sew Bailey's ID tag on the front and the back of his shirt.
Ok, let's deal with it one step at a time.
Rice balls simple in appearance but devilishly hard to get just right. Mine are always soft and crumbly instead of firm and compact. Two rice balls a person that is twenty rice balls. If you don't believe how hard it is, you should try it yourself. Sandwiches would be so much easier! But when in Rome do as the Romans do.
Sewing. Yeah, let's just say been there, done that and it wasn't pretty. I will stick to safety pins and that iron on sticky stuff, thank you very much. To illustrate my point: in junior high I took home ec. Our sewing project was to make a locker organizer. The school year was drawing to an end and I was nowhere near being finished. I stuffed it in my back pack and brought it home to work on it. After trying for hours, I begged my little sister to help. "Please, if you work the pedal, I will work the needle part." (Perhaps that is the same reason that I don't drive) Enough said.
Bailey, Sophie and Daddy were still asleep. The laundry was done. The dishes were washed. What's a girl to do? Deep condition, remove months old toenail polish, apply new toenail polish, sort through makeup caddy, use "new" make-up found in the bottom of said caddy, study hair in mirror, consider getting a hair cut, alphabetise lotion bottles, fluff the towels and settle in to a bubble bath to enjoy a book. I am so clean, I almost don't recognize me.
Good luck with the rice balls :) what would happen if you brought sandwiches? JK:)
Hope all goes well at Baily's Sport festival!
Trisha, good for you, and way to be on top of things. I can't sew either and would much prefer cooking any day! :)
You sure did get stuck with holding all the laundry...and that is a dirty word in our house! lol
Hope the sports day goes fantastic and Baily brings home lots of ribbons!
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