I have a confession to make. It may make some of you shake your heads. Others will turn away in disgust. Still others will laugh long and hard.
You know what it is like, you feel crappy because your head is all congested and your nose whistles when you inhale and even your teeth hurt for no reason other than the fact that you haven't brushed them as you normally do.
Which leads me to the big reveal. Until just a few minutes ago, I hadn't taken a shower since Monday. GROOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSS!
My hair was all matted down. I smelled of Vicks and peanut butter. I just felt all gross and sweaty from the fever. So, armed with my poufy, spongy thing, I stepped into the shower for some serious between the toes, behind your ears cleaning.
Thanks to this and the great older sister who bought it for me, I emerged squeaky clean and feeling a couple pounds lighter. Like Momma always used to say, "you'll feel better after you take a shower." And, as usual, she was absolutely right.
Glad you feel better!! I have so been there when sick I always forget how good it feels!
HAHHAHAHAHAHA! This post made me chuckle! When I have busy, long runs like this (not often, but it happens), I call it "destinking" myself. Yucky, eh? ;)
I like your Momma...I was gonna tell you the same thing!!
It always used to irritate me when I would feel bad enough to go to the doctor but being raised in the south you needed a bath or shower first, and then you felt all better and thought what am I going to the doctors for??
That's when you know you are really sick girl! Hope someone is helping with the kids. Bailey was sick too wasn't he. Wish I could bring you over some Chicken Noodle Soup...:)
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