Monday, July 03, 2006

Sock Saga

Last Friday when I went to pick Bailey up at school, he greeted me with barefeet. Which isn't unusual. This is Japan after all and you must take your shoes off before entering the main part of the school. The problem was in the fact that his feet were naked. I had said good bye to a little boy wearing navy blue socks with multicolored stars and came back to naked, pink little piggies. This started an intense ten minute search yielding nothing. I described the socks over and over and over again. Navy blue. Colorful stars. Normal length. No, not knee socks. Definately not booties. No matter how many clues I provided the mystery couldn't be solved. It was almost time for Sophie's milk, so I shoved Bailey's fat, sweaty piggies into his old, already stinky Thomas shoes and headed for home.

Flash forward to this morning. As we came upon the entrance of the school, one of the teachers was wrangling up the garbage and apologized again about the socks. They hadn't been located yet, but there was a possiblity that someone knew something if that someone would just answer their phone. In my mind, there was a vision of police cars and stake-outs at midnight, but somehow the suspect had just slipped away into the shadows. The search continued. . . . .

Time to pick Bailey up, and while I held no hopes of finding the fugitive socks, I never thought lightning would strike twice. But, just when you think it is safe to put your shoes on, the unthinkable happens. Again I was greeted by my naked-footed grinning boy. Again the scene repeated itself. The frantic looking, the hushed conversations, the dead end phone calls. But, this time, persistance paid off as we were awarded one pair of gray, Pooh socks that had somehow made their way into another kid's bag. As for the navy blue, star emblazened socks , well, they might never be seen again.


Anonymous said...

Try panyhose... less easy for another kid to take off!! I am so glad that I know have internet again and even more prouder that you have quit obsessing about other people's children via the internet and actually taken an interest in your own children. Ohhhh... NASTY!! Him just missing him Nanny and he's showing his sadness through a ritual of hiding socks.

Trisha said...

Never thought about hose, but I think I will just stick to sandals from now on. They told me to put his name on every piece of clothing so that something like this doesn't happen again, but on navy blue socks? How?

boomama said...

I can't keep up with socks when we wear them indoors - I can't imagine trying to keep up with them when they're taken off outside. I'm just tickled that you found one of the missing pairs - I'm afraid that if I were in your shoes (sorry. bad pun.), I'd be keeping Hanes in business. :-)

Lori said...

This is funny. Our sock situation here is a nightmare! Can't imagine having to deal with it even away from home.

Great post!