Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bailey's Little Star

Compassion. I have often wondered how to teach my children this. One of the things that I admire most about my own mother is her ability to hold the hand of an elderly relative even when they can't remember who she is or to lend a helping hand even when it is inconvenient. I want my children to know the joy that comes with giving of yourself, but I had my doubts as to whether the message was getting through.

So, imagine my surprise to find Bailey rubbing his great grandmother's head and singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to her as she drifted off to sleep. He then pulled the blanket up under her chin and turned off the overhead light.

Sometimes the student becomes the teacher.


Susie said...

That must have filled you with love and pride for him!
Very tender moment..

Anonymous said...

how wonderful. what a happy moment to catch your child doing something you have wanted to teach them...

TJ said...

awww...when my son was that age many moons ago he looked at his great grandmothers are and said what are those (wrinkles) ruffles?
Hug that sweet little man for me!!

Pfingston said...

Prof that you have already done very well.

Vicky said...

They emulate their mothers, you know.... That he shows such tenderness demonstrates what a loving mum you are too! (And Dad, of course.)

What a sweet boy.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing moment to witness!

Anonymous said...

You must be so proud!

Kids are wonderful teachers sometimes aren't they?!?

Pamela said...

Aww, such a sweet, tender moment...
Bailey is such a loving child! :)