Bailey will be participating in a sports festival or field day or whatever you want to call it this Sunday and the day care asked parents to help out with making some of the decorations. I packed up a few toys for Sophie and we headed out.
A few other moms were there and my job was to paint plastic bottles yellow. There were beans inside of the bottles, so I guess they are going to be used as some kind of musical instrument or noisemaker. I had just finished my fifth when one of the teachers hurried over and crouched down beside me.
"Bailey has a fever. You should go now," she said.
I washed my hands, gathered up our things and went to pick Bailey up. Sure enough, he was on fire and had a cough and runny nose. I debated whether or not to take him to the doctor and decided just to use some OTC stuff we had. Sometimes a good night's rest is all you need and he wasn't grouchy, whiny and clingy like he usually is when he is sick.
A little dinner, a little medicine and Bailey was in bed by 7:30. He slept through the night and I thought all was well. When I woke up my throat was a little scratchy and my voice was breaking. Looks like Bailey passed it on to me. Lucky Mom!!
1 comment:
My kids are all sick too, so we didn't get to watch little Ben like we usually do one Wednesdays. Hope all is better with you guys soon. Nice that you were helping out! :)
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