There are certain times in your life when things just seem to click. Certain times when the light bulb comes on and you think to yourself this is what it is really about. Today was such a day.
Certain parts of potty training have pretty much been mastered. Other parts take a team to ensure success. The problem being that Bailey doesn't like to sit still unless he is asleep or eating. So, if a bathroom session involves more than a tinkle, he feels the urge to share the experience or he will quite simply get off the potty, put his underwear back on, do his business and then bring the dirty underwear to me. (Yes, I know this is an awful lot of detail, but I feel the need to share with you the madness that is potty training.)
As he sat there on the potty with Mommy reading a Thomas book; waiting, listening, hoping, Sophie let's us know it is time for milk. Just a few more minutes, I think, then he will be done and I can feed Sophie. But the minutes tick past and still nothing. Sophie's crying escalates. I get up to go check on her.
"Mommy, moooooooommmmmmyyyyyyyy," Bailey wails as I make milk. He is attempting a dismount. Oh dear god, please don't let him dismount. I snatch up Sophie and head for the bathroom. Just in time, one leg stretching, straining to touch the floor, but not quite. A little push from me and he is squarely back on the potty. Sitting on the floor with Sophie happily eating, trying to turn the pages of the Thomas book as Bailey takes care of business, I realize, this just might be my defining moment.
Multitasking. That is how you know you are truly a mother.
Ahhhh yes. Multi-tasking! Only a mom has skillz like that. :)
hehe I could totally picture in my mind the scene as you played it out for us!
Becca sometimes spends too much time on the potty! Books have helped though!
you're doing Great!!
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