On a good day, I can peck around on this thing for five minutes and have something fairly decent to share. On a bad day, however, I just stare at the wall and hope something, anything will come out. A little like being constipated, except someone else (Sophie) is supplying all the noises that usually accompany it.
It has been a bad week here. A bad week in terms of writing, I mean. Somewhere in that brain of mine, there is something to say, I just know it. Maybe if I did a handstand and let all the blood drain to my head. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the ......... (see, I can't even finish that one). Umph, poo-pah, fiddley fie fo fum.
Think it is the time of year? I am sleepy a lot lately which could just mean I need to hibernate. Sleep on it. You know, let it marinate overnight. Speaking of marinate, a big ole marinated, grilled chicken breast sure sounds good.
Hunger, perhaps? That might be it. A hungry brain spends all of it's time thinking about being hungry and therefore can think of nothing else. I think we might have hit on something here. My mind is perking up at the mere mention of food. I need to get something in my tummy before I can get something in my head. I am off to the kitchen.....
Perhaps you are overthinking. Just breath, close your eye and write. There is no right or wrong. It is your site to own.
Thanks for stopping by.
Everyone gets writer"s block on occasion. Feeding the brain always helps :D
I think that is my problem with posting right now. I just can't get it out. Some days there is so much in me I can not sort it all out and others I feel empty (like today) and have nothing to share.
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