Me: It's bedtime.
Bailey: No, no, no. I won't sleep.
Me: Let's clean up.
Bailey: No, no, no. I'm not finished.
Me: Mommy will help you.
(I end up picking up all the toys while he stands there watching me)
OK, bedtime.
Bailey: (kicking and screaming as I pick him up) No! No!
That used to be the scene around here come 7:30. Bedtime battles and boy did Bailey fight hard!! It wore us both out and led to a lot of crying and screaming. Not really the best scenario for a good night's sleep.
Then, I re-discovered a lullaby CD that I used to use when Bailey was a baby to help him learn to fall asleep by himself. The CD runs about 30 minutes, so I pop it in after baths while Sophie is having her last bottle of the day and Bailey plays or reads. (I also turn the lights down to add to that sleepy feeling.)
It took about a week for Bailey to catch on, but now he knows when the CD is over, it is time for bed. He evens starts to pick up his toys when the last song starts. Sophie also seems to go to sleep easier and more quickly.
Now, head on over to Shannon's for more great tips!
The very, VERY best parenting advice that was ever given to me, and is still applicable: Sanity at all costs ;)
We were married 11 years before our first was born. I had a LOT of ideas how parenting should go. Not one of them worked!!!
Sooooo ... it's boiled down to sanity ... often ;)
This is an awesome idea, and I'm so glad it's working!
We've used this as part of our bedtime routine for many months now and it truly works for us! Good idea on sharing it with others. :)
I’ve posted a WFMW tip as well, involving an alternate use for a pot rack. Stop by and take a peek. :)
Ohhhhhh yes...I have busted out my son's old music that I used when he was a baby a few times too and it does work! Gret tip and great reminder....
That's a great idea. I think I should try it with my now clingy almost 5 year old. I have found a way to keep him from "wanting me" constantly. I have a cd I made of me singing all his favorite songs (I used my computer to record it) and put that on every night. IT's kindof creey hearing myself singing all the time but it helps him stay in bed.
I need to try this! My daughter has gotten too used to watching movies at bedtime lately, and it causes her to stay up later. The CD is a great idea.
I love it! We used the Sing and Play Nursery Rhymes and Lullabys. What a sanity saver that was!
That's a great idea. I used to put music on for my older daughter when she was going to sleep, but sometimes she stayed awake to listen. This is a great winding down time idea.
We did the battles too. We have incorporated a little thing called the TIMER :) He now shrieks, "No, don't set the timer." When the time is up, he is up in bed :)
Oh gee, I need to try this! What a wonderful idea! Have a great Wednesday - our WFMW tip is up as well!
Awww, sweet idea.
What a great idea. I'll have to try that asap...lol! Thanks for sharing!
This is a great idea to just get your child in the *habit* of wind-down time.
We love our lullaby CD ... it seems that whenever we put it on ... the babies grab their loveys and run for their cribs. I hope bedtime is ALWAYS so simple ... :)
Great idea. Something calm and soothing before bed and when it's over that's it. Amazing how our kids are such creatures of routine.
When my daughter was still taking naps she would always know it was time to go to bed when our bird clock (each hour a different bird call) played the song of the Black-capped Chickadee. When she heard that little birdie sing it's song she knew it was time. No fights - it was just something she DID.
Terrific idea!
I don't have trouble getting my 4 year old ready for bed, I have trouble keeping her in bed. We use a lullaby tape, but I end up flipping it over a couple of times before she finally settles down.
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