Think you can be home in time to help with the kid's baths?
I am pretty exhausted.
Imagine his surprise when he came home at 7:00 to an empty house. If I had only remembered to e-mail him, but we were too busy having fun........
I packed up the kids for a Mommy and Me type sing-along, dance-along, read-along kinda thing and headed out with SIL and her son. The original plan was to go to class, eat lunch and then go home so the kids could nap.
It was our first time to go to this particular class and Bailey was shy at first hiding behind my legs and vigorously shaking his head no. Then, the music started and he saw everyone else having fun and joined in. The room was small and the participants many and what with all the shaking your booty to The Laundry Boogie and marching around the room to Sweet Bean Paste Bread Head Man (Anapanman) March we were all sweating buckets but having lots of fun. Even Sophie, keeping court from the throne that is her stroller, enjoyed herself laughing and cooing along.
Then it was off with a couple other Moms and their children for lunch. With that many kids, all worked up from class and getting close to nap time, food was gulped, faces cleaned and good byes said. Not much time for conversation.
I hadn't planned on it, but we headed over to MIL's house with SIL and her son and tried to get the kids to take a nap. For a minute, it worked. There they were all lined up on a futon on the floor, sleeping peacefully. Until somebody woke up about thirty minutes later and woke the other one up, who woke the other one up. A chain reaction, like so many dominoes toppling one onto another.
So, it was off to the park. If they weren't gonna sleep then we were surely gonna wear them out good so they could sleep at night. Several slides and swings later it was back to the house all sweaty and thirsty.
SIL and I both wanted to get the kids in bed early so I hosed them off while she made dinner. (Look at Bailey's shirt in the picture. What do you think we had for dinner?) By that time it was 7:00 so we packed up the kids and headed home to find Daddy waiting with a surprised look on his face. If only I had remembered to e-mail him, but we were too busy having fun........
(The moral of the story? Go to Mommy and Me like classes and act silly running around with your kid. It will give you more energy than you ever knew you had!! Oh, and don't forget to let Hubs know where you are going!)
Gorgeous children! Sounds like you had fun.
LOL! Yes, I often just shove us out the door to go anywhere ~ staying home often breeds exhaustion ;)
Ohhhh ... the days of two in diapers!!! I remember one day I changed seven poopie diapers between my two girls! I felt a LOT of sympathy for OB/GYN's, wondering how they look at THAT all day!!! hahahahah
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