Monday, July 10, 2006

Things That Go Bump In The Night Or Why Unpacking Could Wait No Longer

Last night as my husband did a cartwheel over top of me (perfectly executed, I might add) it occurred to me that now might be a good time to unpack. You see, I had lined all six suitcases up in the narrow space between our closet and the bed and once he got in bed he was stuck being that his side of the bed was pushed up againist the wall. I had kept hoping Bailey would unpack and realized I was only kidding myself when I found him actually putting the phone bill in the front pocket of one of the suitcases. That boy was trying to add to my misery, not help me out!!

While Bailey was off at school and Sophie was happily chewing on a cold washcloth, I prepared myself for the work that laid ahead. I did a few streches, got my water bottle and an energy bar (alright chocolate bar actually) and headed out to clear the jungle of things unpacked, half-packed and still packed so that we could actually once again use the closet.

My bright idea was to create piles. A Bailey pile, a Sophie pile, a Mommy pile, a Daddy pile, a kitchen pile and a bathroom pile. Great idea until the Mommy pile buried the Daddy pile which tumbled over on the Bailey pile that had already devoured half of the Sophie pile. And somewhere in the mess there was lotion and makeup that belonged to the bathroom pile and fruit puffs that had once been part of the kitchen pile.

My water was getting warm and my chocolate had long ago melted when I emerged sweat covered (not glistening, no, all gross and red faced, lips chapped, throat parched) from the piles mostly victorious. Not completely unpacked, but much, much, much better. Closet doors that open with little or no effort, new wardrobe choices for all of us and most of the things in the right places.

So, tonight Daddy, when you come home there is a big surprise waiting for you in the bedroom and you won't have to perform gymnastics to get a good nights sleep.


Anonymous said...

Before I got home, I already knew the big surprise.
But I'm looking forward to see that great job.
Thank you Mommy.

Trisha said...

Don't get too excited. It is better, not perfect. And I figured after a month and a half it was time.