Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sometimes Daddy Really Does Know Best

On our way to the park, Gramma called and said that cousins Kazu and Ayano were going to spend the night with her. She asked if Bailey wanted to join and we said we would let her know later in the day whether Bailey was up to it or not.

We left the park around 5:30, strapped the kids in and headed on down the road. Sophie was asleep in her carseat and Bailey was talking a mile a minute.

The conversation between me and Hubs went a little something like this:
Me: So, are we just gonna drop Bailry off at Gramma's house?
Dad: I don't think we should. He seems pretty tired.
Me: He seems alright to me.
Dad: Let's just go home.
Me: Ok.

All the while I am thinking he seems more excited than tired to me. I mean, just listen to him go on about Goofy and Minnie Mouse and Roger Rabbit. Then, all of the sudden I realized the chit chat had been replaced with nose humming (snoring) coming from Bailey's general direction. He was out cold. Maybe I should listen to Daddy more often.

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