Sunday, July 02, 2006

In A Different Light

Things look very different in the hazy morning light. Especially if that hazy morning light is around 4:30, which is exactly the time Bailey thought it wise to start the day. Obviously he believes that whole early to bed, early to rise bit.

I took him into the living room and tried cuddling him to sleep on the couch, but a poopy diaper nipped that in the bud. Three or four cold baby wipes later and he was awake and rady to set the town ablaze. A cereal bar, banana and yogurt later, I realized that boy was HUNGRY!! Had I neglected to feed him? No, as I remember dinner consisted of minestrone soup, two slices of thin crust pizza and some spaghetti at one of my favorite restuarants Jolly Pasta.

As I further contemplated what would make one wake up at 4:30, we read a few books, worked a couple of puzzles, sang some of Bailey's favorite songs and watched a Thomas video. It was during the Thomas video that Bailey turned to me and said, "Mommy hug Bailey." I put my arms around him and gave him a big bear hug. I was just about to pull away, when he grabbed my arms again and said, "Mommy hug Bailey again again again." He held my arms around him and we finished watching Thomas that way.

We all spend time making sure our kids are feed, clean and healthy but sometimes we get too caught up in the day to day to realize what is really important. This morning I saw my little boy in a whole different light. Sometimes we just need somebody to hold us, to spend time in the quiet of the morning before a hectic day begins. That desire, I believe was strong enough to wake him up at 4:30.

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