Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Shake, Rattle and Roll

I was pretty sure that Sophie had it all figured out. The rolling over from tummy to back, I mean, but she has yet to repeat the feat. On Sunday she rolled to the left once and to the right once and so far the curtain has yet to rise again.

Bailey, on the other hand, has seemed to pick up quite a few interesting words and actions from our month in the States. His current favorite is "Shake your bootie." accompanied by a few shakes of his rear and wild hand waving. He also liberally uses the words fart and burp and the sentences "Where's (insert name of person or thing) goMing?" and "There she is. Right there."

You can tell he has spent a lot of time with Nanny because now every morning he must put on his "makeyup" and make "sekky (sexy) boy hair. But, the most amusing of all happened last night after his bath. Usually he puts his diaper on first and then his shirt, but last night he put his shirt on first and then preceeded to tuck it into his diaper. When I tried to take it out he started crying, "Nanny do it. Nanny do it." He had obviously watched Nanny tuck her shirt into her pants and wanted to do it like Nanny.

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