Sunday, June 25, 2006

Paper Planes And Pin (Actually Needle) Pricks

We took Bailey back to the doctor yesterday to check his progress. I waited with Sophie in the waiting room while Dad took Bailey back. I shoulda known it was a bad sign when Bailey tried to escape a few seconds later. Kicking and screaming Dad took Bailey back in. All was quiet for a few minutes and then I heard Bailey start to wail. The kind of "What do you think you are doing. That hurts!" wail. Ten minutes later the truth was revealed. They had taken blood to test for an infection since the lymph nodes in Bailey's crotch were swollen indicating the possibility. They had tried to take it from the inside of his elbow but couldn't so then they had to take it from a vien in his hand. He wore those little band aids like badges of courage. A few paper airplanes and some ice cream later, he had forgotten all about the pain. Breathing a sigh of relief, he looked down at his little bruised arm and announced, "That's better!"

I am to take him back Monday to get the test results and for yet another check up. In the meantime, the doctor gave him an antibiotic to take. The doctor is optimistic that it will be cleared up in about a week. But a week without the park, without being able to run and jump is a long week indeed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's gonna be better, and be able to run around so soon!!
Take it easy & hanging there.