Wednesday, June 28, 2006


My dear, sweet husband left for Osaka today on a business trip and won't be back until Friday. Bailey went back to school this morning but not without a few rounds of "I wanna go." "No, I don't wanna go!" He is still limping a little so I asked them to keep him inside today while the other kids went to the park. I know, I know I felt bad about it too, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

With Bailey in school from 10 to 5, I thought that I could get some housework done, however little Sophie had other plans. Nap for an hour, wake up, eat, nap for an hour, wake up,eat and on and on and on. All in all, she didn't drink anymore than usual, a few ounces each time, but MY GOD was she that hungry/sleepy? Then I think it could be time to start solids or it could be teething or a cold or.......

So, we go to pick up Bailey at five, and he unloads all his tiredness on me in the form of several tantrums during our seven minute walk home. "I wanna go home. I don't wanna go home. I want fry-fries. No, I want ice cream. I wanna play with Sophie. No, I wanna ride my Mickey bike (tricycle)." I tried to ignore the glares from strangers as I had to almost drag Bailey down the road. Like they have never seen a temper tantrum before!

I decided the best course of action was to eat dinner ASAP, take a bath and get to bed a little earlier. the plan was well under way, Sophie was asleep in her swing and I was helping Bailey wash his hair, when the crying started. Asleep one minute, crying her eyes out the next. What else could I do but bring her into the bath with us. Normally she doesn't mind a bath, but tonight she couldn't stop crying which in turn set Bailey off crying because how dare this little pink, squirming, noisy thing interupt HIS bathtime with mommy. So, here I am trying to get them both cleaned up and out of there as soon as possible while trying not to cry myself.

So, anyway, a bottle of milk for Sophie and a puzzle for Bailey was enough to stop the tears and now they are both tucked into bed, asleep. I hope.

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