Thursday, June 22, 2006

Doctor Visits

Yesterday, Sophie had her four month check up and weighed in at a healthy 17 pounds and was 24and 1/2 inches long. She also got her first vaccination. In Japan, they have a mass check up for four month olds and Sophie was, by far, one of the largest babies there. After they were weighed and measured, they were checked by a doctor and then given a vaccination known as BCG. This is a vaccination for TB ( I tried to spell it out, but failed miserably.)

Then, today it was off to the doctor to find out why Bailey had been limping for a couple of days and complaining that his leg hurt. At first, I thought he was just mimicing someone he had seen, but when it persisted I decided it was time to take him to the doctor. Bailey was tentatively diagnosed with toxic synovitis. A condition which affects mainly children and mostly boys (4:1). The cause is not known and it usually resolves on its own. It is a type of transient arthritis that causes hip pain and limping. The doctor gave us pain medication and medicated plasters that we are to apply every morning and evening. He also gave us diredtions to keep Bailey as still and as quiet as possible. We are to go back Saturday morning so the doctor can check Bailey's progress and decide whether or not more tests are needed to rule out something more serious. I will keep you posted.

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